
The Valley Line

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Jane Napier Neely

I hope your 4th of July celebration was a festive one. I went to a party at a friend’s house near the Rose Bowl and we had a feast in a beautiful backyard setting.

When it was time for the fireworks show we just strolled out the front door. We certainly weren’t alone as the street overlooking the bowl was like a giant block party. Families with their kids and dogs brought their chairs and blankets to get one of the best views of the fireworks spectacular outside the Bowl itself.

There was a very appreciative audience as everyone reveled in amazement with each burst of colored fireworks. I especially loved the smiley faces; I had never seen that done in fireworks before. The crowd around me also liked the cheery faces because when one of them would appear they would clap and voice their approval. There was also another fascinating display with a Saturn-like image with a blue sphere in the middle ringed by gold.

I’ll never stop being a kid when it comes to fireworks, I will always think they are awesome.

When it is summer time and the social pace seems to slow down a bit I’m always looking for news to chat about. So, how about sharing vacations, block parties, anniversaries, etc. with me so you all will have good reading in this section of the paper. Heaven forbid that we would bore you!

Jinny Dalbeck, La Cañada Flintridge resident and president of the Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, along with her husband, Rich, welcomed guests to the Guild’s 46th annual June Debutante Ball. Also greeting guests was ball chairman Marcia Grace and her husband Edward.

Jinny, who was wearing a beautiful gown, stepped to the podium to give opening remarks. Dr. David Warburton, who oversees the Guild-funded project in Developmental Biology at Childrens Hospital, also gave welcoming remarks.

The ball, which introduced seven debs to society, was held in the Crystal Ballroom of the historic Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Florist Jacob Maarse, a rose aficionado, created a floral wonderland with many blooms from his own rose garden. Maarse chose roses in shades of pink, peach, jade, orange and mauve. He also designed and created a magnificent rose canopy on the debutante stage.

Each deb stepped through the exquisite canopy to be presented by Dennis Daniel Slattery. After each young woman was presented and escorted around the ballroom on the arm of her father, they ascended a hidden stairway and reappeared in unison on multiple balconies surrounding the ballroom where they made their formal curtsey.

As tradition dictates, the debutantes, dressed in white gowns, made their first waltz of the evening with their fathers.

Debutantes being introduced at the lovely ball included Allyn Elizabeth Bures, daughter of Matthew Clark Bures and Kathleen Smiley; Alysia Brittani Carroll, daughter of Charles and Diane Carroll; Maureen Decker Clougherty, daughter of Bernard and Dianna Clougherty; Nicole Julian Delahooke, daughter of Scott and Mona Delahooke; Hayden Hope Prater, daughter of Dr. Jeffrey and Hally Prater and granddaughter of Guild member Bernadotte Perrin Lester; Eliza Mabie Walper, daughter of Thomas and Maritia and granddaughter of the late Mrs. Jerome DeWitt Barnum, Jr.; Lauren Conklin Wilson daughter of James and Theresa Wilson and granddaughter of Guild member Mrs. Hugh Hamilton Wilson, Jr. and great granddaughter of the late Mrs. Hugh Hamilton Wilson.

Proceeds from the ball will support the Guild’s current project, which includes both Developmental Biology and a suite in the Center for Newborn and Infant Critical Care in the new hospital building. This year the Guild is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. Over the years the Guild has raised over $22 million for the hospital.

Jinny and Rich Dalbeck’s daughters Allison and Emily were Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital debutantes.

Current La Cañada members of the Guild include Lynn Dotts, Kandi Wopschall, and Arden Verbeck.
