
Kiwanis-AM in July

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La Cañada Kiwanis-AM sent three of their members to San Antonio, Texas, over the 4th of July holiday, not to watch fireworks, but to enjoy some rain. They got over 20 inches in a couple of weeks in Texas. While there they also participated in the Kiwanis International’s Annual Convention, with programs outlining Kiwanis ambitious plans for having one million members world wide by 2015. Back in town, Kiwanis-AM is in full swing with their regular meetings. At their last meeting they had as their guest Beverly de Lucia, the local representative for EF Educational Homestay Program. This organization arranges home-stays for international exchange students, typically for a four week duration. The majority of the students come from Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia and China. Families who open their homes to these students will also find that a new world opens up for their family. A marvelous experience, and all the host family has to provide is just a bed. meals, and love.

To learn more about this program call 1-800-521-0083, or call the local representative Ms. de Lucia at 429-2528.The speakers for the meeting were Betty and Paul Cheeves, crosswords experts who conduct crossword seminars on cruise ships or on land. Their theme is “Entertain Your Brain,” and believe it or not, if you become an ardent “puzzler,” you lower your chances of getting Alzheimer’s. The Cheeves do at least five puzzles each day using the Internet, and supposedly 50 million Americans do crossword puzzles each week. Now, if we could get just two percent of these “puzzlers” to join the Kiwanis, their 2015 membership target would be met.
