
Local Youth Honored at Dodger Stadium

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Two local youths, Chelsea Johnson from Crescenta Valley High School and Abraham Frandsen from La Cañada High School, were honored last week at “Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium.”

A tradition for many years, “Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium” draws thousands of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from numerous stakes in the greater Los Angeles area. (A stake is a geographical area which includes seven to 10 local congregations.)

Six graduating high school seniors who are members of the church in the greater Los Angeles area are honored each year for outstanding academic, extracurricular activities and community service.

Johnson served her school and community in numerous capacities, including the CVHS National Honor Society President, student conductor of the Charismatics, and Co-Chairman of the La Crescenta Stake Youth Committee.

Frandsen is an Eagle Scout, a National Merit Scholar and was the principal violist of both the LCHS Orchestra and Crown City Orchestra in Pasadena.
