
The La Canada Thursday Club presents the 2007 Les Fleurettes debutantes

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The La Cañada Thursday Club has a proud 56-year tradition of sponsoring young women from our community in the “Bal Blanc de Noel” presentation of Les Fleurettes Debutantes. This year, the Thursday Club will present 12 young women to society on Saturday evening at a black-tie gala to be held at the Omni Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The Bal Blanc de Noel is the culminating event which celebrates their completion of a 16-month program of social and community service, as well as cultural education, personal development training and etiquette instruction. The presenter for the evening will be David Spence, mayor of La Cañada Flintridge. Peggy Hotaling, Thursday Club president, will present the traditional camellia charm as a gift from the club to each debutante during the ceremony. Following the presentation, the debutantes will dance the traditional first waltz with their fathers. Catherine Cagle is the group’s provisional chairman. Denise Greenawalt is chairman of the Bal Blanc de Noel. Gale Caswell is the Thursday Club’s board liaison for the debutante class. Les Fleurettes provisionals being presented on Saturday are: Kristyn Bockman, Colleen Boyd, Jensen Higley, Lisa Leyda, Helena Malchione, Meghan Miller, Jenna Muirhead, Jordan Platisa, Elizabeth Sanfilippo, Kristen Stamper, Melissa Van Wagenen and Stephanie Yates.

Kristyn Bockman

Kristyn Heather Bockman is the daughter of Craig and Lindy Bockman and the granddaughter of Jan and the late Alan Bockman, and Joanne and the late Kenneth Drost. Kristyn is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Kristyn has been a member of Girl Scouts since Kindergarten. She is currently working on her Gold Award project: sending books, DVDs and inspirational letters from grade school children to the troops in Iraq.

Kristyn maintains a 4.0 grade point average and works part-time at a law firm. Her interests include photography, reading and Spanish. . One day soon, she plans to travel to Spain to study the language and learn about the culture.

Kristyn has attended the same volleyball camp in Santa Barbara every summer since age 12 and hopes to continue on there as a coach.

Kristyn plans to attend a four-year university in California.

Kristyn Heather Bockman is being presented by her father, Craig Bockman, and her escort is Garrison Lee Grimes. Her presentation song selection is “Do You Believe in Magic.”

Colleen Boyd

Colleen Elizabeth Boyd is the daughter of William and Susan Boyd and the granddaughter of Elizabeth and Robert Boyd of Alhambra, Rosemary Scofield of Chicago, and Brownie Pitts of Okla. Colleen is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Colleen has sung in school choirs since the fifth grade. As a freshman and sophomore, she sang in Women’s Ensemble and in her junior year was accepted into the Chamber Singers, the most intensely auditioned ensemble on campus.

Colleen has played soccer since she was 4 years old. She is a four-year starter on the LCHS Varsity soccer team as well as a three-year team captain. As a freshman and sophomore, she was voted onto First Team All League. In junior year she was voted MVP Defensive Player of League as well as First Team All CIF. As a senior, Colleen not only plays on the LCHS team, but she also travels to San Juan Capistrano three times weekly to play for a club team which last season was ranked third in the nation. She has traveled to Australia, Costa Rica and Spain to play soccer as part of the “People to People” Student Ambassador program.

Colleen has been a member of Girl Scouts since kindergarten. She is now working to earn her Gold Award by donating soccer equipment and coaching a three-day soccer day camp at a shelter for abused children.

Colleen will be attending Oregon State University next fall where she has been recruited as a student athlete and awarded an athletic scholarship in soccer.

Colleen Elizabeth Boyd is being presented by her father, William Boyd, and her escort is Christopher Aaron Clary. Her presentation song selection is “I’m Coming Out.”

Jensen Higley

Jensen Carol Higley is the daughter of Mark and Dena Higley and is the granddaughter of Carol and Vance Breshears of El Cajon, and Jane and Lee Higley of La Cañada Flintridge. Jensen is a senior at La Cañada High School and is the fifth generation of her family to live in the La Cañada area.

Jensen has participated in pep squad during all four years of high school. She is a member of her school’s prestigious Chamber Singers and has traveled to Miami with the choir to perform at the American Choir Directors Association National Convention.

Jensen’s true passion is acting. Last year, she played the lead in the All-School Musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” She won the Best Actress award in All-School Musical for the 2006-2007 season. She is a member of La Cañada’s Comedy Sportz Team, an improvisation group.

Jensen has studied dance for 14 years. She won first place in a national dance competition in Las Vegas as part of the Media Center Dance Company.

Jensen is an active member at Christian Assembly and this summer she participated in a missionary trip to Costa Rica. Jensen also volunteers with Special Olympics and Kids Church.

Jensen plans to attend a four-year university where she will study acting. After graduation, Jensen would like to pursue a career acting in live theatre.

Miss Jensen Carol Higley is being presented by her father, Mark Christopher Higley, and her escort is Andrew Clark Cerrina. Her presentation song selection is “Forever Young.”

Lisa Leyda

Lisa Marie Leyda is the daughter of Richard and Ellen Leyda and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin of Sherman Oaks and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leyda of San Antonio, Texas. Lisa is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Lisa has been involved in cheerleading for the past four years. Currently, she is on Varsity Songs, another spirit team with an emphasis on dancing. Lisa is a member of the LCHS Chamber Singers and participated as a singer and dancer in the school production of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” She is a member the Chamber Singers and traveled with the choir to Miami to perform at the American Choir Directors Association National Convention.

Lisa is a member of the French Club and studied in France last year as part of the Foreign Exchange program. Lisa is a four-year member of the National Honor Society. She is also active in her church.

Lisa was chosen to serve as one of five young women on the 2007 Miss La Cañada Flintridge Royal Court. She works part- time job at a local restaurant.

Lisa plans to attend a four-year university in California where she will study business and marketing.

Miss Lisa Marie Leyda is being presented by her father, Dr. Richard Leyda, and her escort is James Hwang. Her presentation song selection is “My Little Corner of the World.”

Helena Malchione

Helena Duey Malchione is the daughter of Robert Mario Malchione and Kathleen Ann Duey and the granddaughter of Helen and George Duey of Spokane, Wash., and Thelma and Mario Malchione of Avondale, Penn. Helena is a senior at Polytechnic School.

For two years Helena has been the Life editor of The Paw Print, the Upper School’s student newspaper. She is also chairman of Polytechnic’s Ambassadors program. She has worked on Oakleaves, the student-run school yearbook, and volunteered on the school’s Hurricane Katrina Clothing Drive.

In her junior year, Helena was inducted into the Polytechnic Chapter of the Cum Laude Society. She is a National Merit Semi-Finalist, an AP Scholar with Distinction, and a National AP Scholar. She was named to the Study of Exceptional Talent in 2003 by the John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Helena won the prestigious Brown University Book Prize in 2007. Helena began studying French at an early age and was awarded honors among over 22,000 American students in the Grand Concours National French Contest in 2005, 2006 and 2007. She has studied at the International Bilingual School of Provence and won the Pasadena Alliance Francaise’s 2007 Student of the Year Award. She completed the French AP coursework at Polytechnic in her junior year and is currently enrolled in an independent study in democracy in America.

Helena has studied Chinese at Concordia Language Village, Intermediate Chinese at Pasadena City College and Chinese language and culture at East China Normal University. Helena works part-time as a file clerk and researcher, and as a French and mathematics tutor. She volunteers at Union Station in Pasadena, has been an after-school tutor at the Jackie Robinson Center and has worked with Pasadena Special Olympics and Ballona Wetlands. She is an acolyte at St. George’s Episcopal Church, and worked with church volunteers at the LA County-USC AIDS Clinic. Helena plans to attend a four-year university in New England.

Miss Helena Duey Malchione is being presented by her father, Robert Mario Malchione, and her escort is John-Paul Alanis. Her presentation song selection is Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune.”

Meghan Miller

Meghan Frances Miller is the daughter of Craig and Rita Miller and the granddaughter of Thomas P. Mongmen III and the late Rita Leslie Mongmen of Chicago and Dr. Edward and Leslea Miller of Newport Beach. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Meghan has been on La Canada High’s water polo team for four years. Last year, she received the best defensive player award. She has also played on the La Cañada Water Polo Club Team for three years. She joined La Canada High’s swim team last year and was named the Most Dedicated Player. She has played softball at La Cañada High School for two years.

Outside of school, Meghan enjoys spending time with her friends and working part-time in a local bookshop.

Meghan plans to attend a four-year university located in a warm weather climate. She hopes to major in sports management and continue on to earn a masters degree. After graduation, Meghan would like to work for a leading sports company or a professional team.

Miss Meghan Frances Miller is being presented by her father, Craig Miller, and her escort is William Fischer Shuman. Her presentation song selection is “You Are The Sunshine of My Life.”

Jenna Muirhead

Jenna Nicole Muirhead is the daughter of Brian Muirhead and Cathy Cagle and the granddaughter of Robert Cagle of Yorba Linda, and Jack and Marge Joyce of Carlsbad. Jenna is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Jenna is currently the business manager for the 2007-08La Cañada High School yearbook. She has always had a passion for art and has taken art classes throughout high school. She particularly enjoys painting in oils.

For the past three summers, Jenna has volunteered as a cheerleading trainer for the La Cañada Gladiators football team. Last summer she worked at Jet Propulsion Laboratory providing administrative support to engineers working on the Mars Science Lander project.

Outside of school, Jenna enjoys camping, backpacking and loves to travel. Over the past few summers, Jenna has had the opportunity to travel to England, Scotland, France, Italy and Mexico.

Jenna plans to attend a four-year university in California with a major in psychology.

Miss Jenna Nicole Muirhead is being presented by her father, Brian Muirhead, and her escort is Cameron John Wehrle. Her presentation song selection is “The Way You Look Tonight.”

Jordan Platisa

Jordan Marie Platisa is the daughter of George and Jody Platisa and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Platisa of Garden Valley, Idaho, and the late Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Buddenberg of San Marino. Jordan is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Jordan has been active inher school’s Women’s Ensemble singing group for three years. She is a member of the La Cañada High School Fight Club,” which raises money for cancer research.

Jordan has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. She is working on her Gold Award project: creating a children’s library for a women’s shelter in Pasadena. In addition to collecting books, Jordan is building bookshelves and tables and organizing a weekly reading program for the children in the shelter.

. She volunteers at Casa de Alegra women’s shelter and at Union Station in Pasadena. Jordan also likes to cook and plan special meals for her family. She enjoys spending time with friends, snowboarding and shopping.

Jordan plans to attend a four-year university in California with a major in business administration and hopes to spend a semester studying abroad.

Miss Jordan Marie Platisa is being presented by her father, George Platisa, and her escort is Wyatt Joseph Murphy. Her presentation song selection is “Brown Eyed Girl.”

Elizabeth Sanfilippo

Elizabeth Sanfilippo is the daughter of Michael and Olga Sanfilippo and the granddaughter of Kenneth Kojin of Glendale and Diane and Charles Sanfilippo of Ojai. Elizabeth is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Elizabeth has sung in the La Cañada High School choir for the past four years and has traveled with the choir to compete in festivals in Las Vegas and New York City. She is now in the Concert Choir. She played junior varsity softball for two years and was a member of the team in 2006 when they won the League Championship. She junior varsity basketball for two years and has been on the varsity team for the past two years. Elizabeth is a member of the California Scholastic Federation, the National Honor Society, and the National Society of High School Scholars.

Elizabeth has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. She has earned her Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Her Gold Award project involved raising and collecting funds to purchase volleyball nets and equipment for an elementary school in El Monte. She also was involved in making an informational volleyball DVD for the school. Elizabeth has been a volunteer for Los Angeles Special Olympics, Bienvenidos, La Canada High’s Servathon, the Dodgers Youth Baseball Camp and Mount Olive Nursery, a nearby preschool. Elizabeth plans to attend a four-year university in California to study business administration. She hopes to spend a semester studying abroad in either Spain or England. Miss Elizabeth Sanfilippo is being presented by her father, Michael Sanfilippo, and her escort is Peter Cavan Williams. Her presentation song selection is “In My Life.”


Kristen Ellen Stamper is the daughter of Dr. Elgan and Carolyn Stamper and the granddaughter of Ellen and Dr. Ralph Barstad of Vancouver and Leona and the late Elgan Stamper, Jr., of Cherry Valley. Kristen is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Kristen has been a part of ASB in her junior and senior years and currently serves as the 2007 Junior/Senior Prom Commissioner. In 2005, Kristen traveled to England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland as part of the “People to People” Student Ambassador program.

Kristen has been a member of the Assistance League of Flintridge’s Assisteens program since 7th grade and was vice president of the group in her junior year. She has been a Girl Scout for four years and is currently working on her Gold Award project: collecting medical and lab instruments for a charitable organization that provides medical assistance in Mexico and Costa Rica. Kristen was elected President of the Thursday Club’s 2007 Les Fleurettes Debutante class.

Kristen is active in La Canada Presbyterian Church’s 247 student leadership program, and has served as a member of the worship team and as a junior high leader. She has also traveled with her church to Mexico to build homes and volunteered at Union Station in Pasadena with her church and the Assistance League’s Assisters.

For the past two summers, Kristen has worked as a lab technician in a medical practice.

Kristen plans to attend a four-year university in Northern California where she will study business Administration or hotel management.

Miss Kristen Ellen Stamper is being presented by her father, Dr. Elgan Stamper, and her escort is John Thomas Ondrejcka. Her presentation song selection is “C’est Si Bon.”

Melissa Wagenen

Melissa Lee Van Wagenen is the daughter of Kenneth and Felicia Van Wagenen and the granddaughter of H. Ronald Hauptman. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Melissa has enjoyed being involved in the La Cañada High School music program and plays the piano and flute. She has sung in the school choir for the past four years and this year has been a member of the Concert Choir.An avid artist, Melissais a member of her school’s Art Club. She enjoys painting portraits of her family and friends and spent this past summer studying art history at Oxford University in England.

Melissa has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. Her Gold Award project involved teaching art to children at Casa de Alegra, a battered women’s shelter.

Melissa’s outside activities include early morning seminary, a religious class that meets every morning before school, studying piano, traveling, reading and playing tennis.

Melissa plans to attend a four-year university in Utah where she would like to continue her studies in art and music.

Miss Melissa Lee Van Wagenen is being presented by her father, Kenneth Lee Van Wagenen, and her escort is Garrett Eugene Jenkins. Her presentation song selection is “Hello, Goodbye.”

Stephanie Yates

Stephanie Marie Yates is the daughter of Paul and Jennifer Yates and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Yates, Jr., of Glendale and Bill Moore of Okla. and Mrs. Charles La Force of Calif. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Stephanie has been a member of the National Honor Society for the past four years. She was captain of La Cañada High’s Freshman/Sophomore volleyball team and was also on the varsity track team. She was a member of the Soar HighClub, raising awareness for cancer, and the Green Club, working to improve the environment and keeping the campus clean. She has sung in the Women’s Ensemble choir for the past four years.

Stephanie has been a Girl Scout for since kindergarten. Her Gold award project involved collecting essential items for women at the Walter Hoving Home in Pasadena.

Stephanie has been a member of the Assistance League of Flintridge’s Assisteens program for the past six years and has served as treasurer for the past two years. With Assisteens, Stephanie has volunteered at Union Station in Pasadena and has tutored students at The Sycamores and New Horizons. This year Stephanie will work with children at the CEC and Sprouts after-school programs in La Cañada.

Stephanie has been painting for 13 years and enjoys working in watercolors and acrylics. She was recognized with an Outstanding Achievement Award in Art in 2005.Stephanie plans to attend a four-year university in California and hopes to become a teacher.

Miss Stephanie Marie Yates is being presented by her father, Paul Martin Yates, and her escort is Antonio Christopher Seanez . Her presentation song selection is “Unforgettable.”
