
‘Super’ days ahead — are you game?

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Super Bowl, Super Tuesday. They’re both upon us. Which is more important to you?

Until this year, sports fans living in California could comfortably say they were far more interested in the game than in the presidential primary elections taking place in several other states this time of year. We could all put off those political decisions until June — and keep our eyes on the (foot)ball this late winter weekend.

I was curious as to whether or not people I know were taking a keen interest in voting Tuesday, and which ‘Super’ event was utmost in their minds. I made a quick round of the office Wednesday — and polled a La Cañada resident who wandered into our midst just to say hello.

You may be relieved to know that of the seven people willing to offer up their opinions in this water-cooler survey, five of them felt the presidential primary that takes place next week is more important than the likelihood that the Patriots are going to walk all over the Giants on Sunday. Even so, the majority were rather lukewarm about the election.

One said flat out she’s not interested in either. “As to the Super Bowl, there were two questions I asked my husband before we got married: ‘Does your father still have all his hair?’ and ‘Do you like sports?’ His answers were ‘yes’ and ‘no’ respectively. Hence, I married him. Twenty-seven years later he still has all his hair and no interest in sports, so I think I made a good decision. We won’t be watching the Super Bowl.”

She said she will participate in the election on Tuesday but more out of a sense of responsibility to do so. “I am a Republican and I am so disillusioned with who is running; I feel betrayed by my party. I could not care less about this election but I will vote because it’s my responsibility — and my right — and because when I do vote that gives me the right to tell you what’s wrong with everybody else.”

I turned to a passionate Democrat sitting nearby, who I knew was leaning toward me, eager to get into the conversation. “I don’t care about the Super Bowl. I don’t even know who’s playing.” She only wanted to talk about the primary.

“[It’s disgusting that] people know more about contestants on American Idol than who is running for president,” my colleague said. “I love that California is now going to be taking part in Super Tuesday and that the candidates are now paying attention to us. I have my kids watching all the debates and evaluating the candidates. I am very excited about the Democrats who are running for president — a woman and an African American.”

Another woman said, “I’ve been invited to a Super Bowl party, but the best part about it is that they’ll have a poker game. As to Super Tuesday, as a Democrat I’m beginning to feel defeated. I don’t think this country is ready for a woman or a black president. So I think we’re going to end up with [Republican John] McCain. I’m honestly feeling ambivalent about voting.”

A male said, when asked to compare the importance of the Super Bowl to Super Tuesday: “One is deadly important. The Super Bowl doesn’t really matter to me. Football is just a game with a ball. [But] the game they’re playing on Tuesday is for the country’s life and I really don’t know who should be favored.”

Other comments I heard, in no particular order: “I don’t care for the Super Bowl, but I watch it for the commercials and the half-time show. There’s so much bickering between candidates that it’s really sad. I don’t vote anymore because they always promise a lot but nothing is done.” “Will I watch the Super Bowl? Sure, why not? I don’t really pay attention to politics, but I will probably vote Tuesday.”

One male, when asked to talk about the Super Bowl vs. Super Tuesday, replied, “The Patriots will win.”

I’m pretty sure he meant the team, not any of the candidates.

CAROL CORMACI is editor of the Valley Sun. E-mail her at or call (818) 790-8774.
