
St. Francis graduates 168 young men

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One hundred and sixty-eight young men graduated May 24 from St. Francis High School in La Cañada.

Rev. Antonio Marti, the Provincial of the Western American Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order, represented Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of Los Angeles, at the graduation.

D. Allen Lund, chairman of the board of directors; Rev. Matthew Elshoff, school president; and Thomas Moran, school principal, also officiated at the 59th commencement ceremony of the local Catholic college-preparatory institution.

Valedictorian Joseph Vittorio Renzullo of Pasadena and senior class representative Bryan D. Hang of Sierra Madre gave formal addresses to the audience.

Joseph Vittorio Renzullo received the Capuchin Award and Medal for Scholarship.

Receiving Bank of America Achievement plaques were salutatorian Arman Danielian and salutatorian Henry Richard Harris in liberal arts, and Renzullo for science and mathematics.

Bank of America certificates were awarded to graduates in the following categories: art, Dennis Joseph Chow; English, Matthew Herbert Shubin; fine arts, Thomas Robert Cohen; foreign languages, Antonio Daniel Archuleta and Arman Danielian; mass media, Shaun Michael Keenan and Garrett Andrew Salzman; mathematics, Charles Anthony Pontrelli; publications, Gaetano Rafael lannaccone; religion, Alberto Joshua Ortega; science, Mark Hamilton Shushnar; social studies, Michael Brian Finch and Andrew Richard MacNeal.

The school faculty also presented medals for excellence in subject areas to the following individuals: art, Charles Anthony Pontrelli; athletics, Alexander John Reitnouer; biology, Andy Yanting Lee; chemistry, Joseph Vittorio Renzullo; chorus, Jonathan Martin Villafuerte Llams; computer science, Gregory Alexander Asatrian; drumline, Michael Alan Johnson; economics, Grant Nelson Hutchins; English, Scott Howes Hunter; European history, Henry Richard Harris; kinesiology, Andrew Kristian Nolan; Latin, Daniel Harrison Scheper; mass media, Taylor Joseph Vallone; mathematics, Joseph Vittorio Renzullo; physics, Andy Yanting Lee; publications, Royce Ka-Jun Lam; religion, Dennis Joseph Chow; Spanish, Alberto Joshua Ortega; theater, Thomas Robert Cohen; United States government, Patrick Lewis Degnan; United States history, Robert Joseph Warnock.

At the Baccalaureate Mass on May 23, Community Service Awards were presented to Patrick Lewis Degnan (Pro Deo et Patria for Leadership); Dennis Joseph Chow (Pro Deo et Ecclesia for Leadership); Taylor Joseph Vallone (Fred Purner Humanitarian Award); and Christopher Eric Orme (Roger Barkley Award for Outstanding Character).

The Class of 2008

(* La Cañada Grads)

Mishaal Sabah Alquaddoomi

Michael Gerard Anastassiou

Derek Aoki

John Basil Lucas Aranda

Antonio Daniel Archuleta

Steven Anthony Arriola

Gregory Alexander Asatrian

Matthew Francis Barker

Christopher E. Bautista

Christopher John P. Bautista

Vicken Sevag Bekarian

Julian Bermejo

Kevin James Bessolo

Eric Jeffrey Bonfiglio

Christopher M. Brennan

Eric Matthew Briones

John Joseph Bruer*

Brooks Alan Burns

Ryan Thomas Bussjaeger

Michael Andrew Campagna

Ivan Gabriel Carabajal

Bryan Joseph Carmody

Ramiro Gustavo Carreon

Juan Sebastian Castro

Dennis Joseph Chow

Thomas Robert Cohen

Arman Danielian

Michael Bruce Dean

Patrick Lewis Degnan*

Michael Christopher DeLelio

Giancarlo Diaz

Zayd Dinaully

Corwin Alexander Doerning

Franz Josef Dreher, Jr.

Carlos Paul Duarte II

Aaron Victor Dunst

Max Daniel Dupill

Nicholas Robert Early

Ryan James Evans*

Jonathan Brooks Farrar

John Arthur Ferris

Scott Martin Fiedler*

Michael Brian Finch

Kyle L.O. Finkelberg

Oliver Andrew Flynn

Joseph Williams Franco

Alexander Frederich Fritz

Kevin Alexander Garcia

Peter Christopher Garcia

Brian David Glynn

Daniel Hernandez Godinez

David Hernandez Godinez

Luis Enrique Gonzalez

Jared Ramon Gopiao

Benjamin William Granja

Adrian William Guy

Charles Lester Hamlin

Brandon Donald Hammerli*

Bryan D. Hang

Henry Richard Harris

Toby Cameron Hayward

Gabriel Adam Hernandez

Matthew Robert Hernandez

Christopher Herrera

Austin Edward Heyworth

Cameron Noah Hotchkis

Scott Howes Hunter

Grant Nelson Hutchins

Gaetano R. Iannaccone

William Imperial

Andrew William Iraheta

Richard N. James

Eric Jérôme Jauffret*

Michael Alan Johnson

Casimir Clement Jones

James Phillip Jordan

Russell Juma

Mesrop Karapetyan

C.L. Keedy IV

Shaun Michael Keenan

Kevin Carl Kiang

Hunter Blakely Kirkwood

Royce Ka-Jun Lam

Alexander Shan Lara

Alberto La Torre, Jr.

Luc Ryan Laverdiere

Jeff Lazo

Andy Yanting Lee*

Brian Lee

Michael Leiaghat

Maxwell Crawford Leisure

Jonathan M.V. Llamas

Anthony Louis Lombardo*

Michael Alexander Lopez

Matthew Thomas Lusnia

Andrew Richard MacNeal

Kenneth Bruce MacNeal

Michael R. McArdle

Corey Patrick McCarthy*

Patrick Brendan McCoy

Sean Robert Mc Guinness

Jeffrey McKibben

Philip Patrick Miller

Kyle Christopher Morgan

Hayden Thomas Morphy

Christopher J. Moseley

Jeffrey Thomas Nance

Alec Randall Neumeyer

John Robert Nielsen

Andrew Kristian Nolan

Erik Matthew Oberhammer

John Hiroyuki Oka

Joseph E. Orlandini Jr.*

Christopher Eric Ormé

Alberto Joshua Ortega

Nicholas Miguel Ortiz

Kevin Michael Paredes

Timothy John Parris, Jr.

Andres Edgardo Perez

Kevin Daniel Petersen

Nicholas Vincent Petito

Bryan Jerome Phillips

Justin A. Ponce

Charles Anthony Pontrelli

Samuel P. Pontrelli

Nicholas Adam Posthuma

Ian Andrew Powell

Ricardo Buzollo Prata

Mark Christian Prator

Kevin Michael Puchalski

David Alexander Raba

Brandon Alexander Recker

Alexander John Reitnouer

Joseph Renzullo

Grant Edward Richards

Christopher J.B. Ripple

Trevor Douglas Roberts

Jeffrey Grant Sabaitis

Mick Peter Saguin

Mahyar Salehpour

Garrett Andrew Salzman

Andrew John Sauer

Daniel Harrison Scheper

Patrick Glenn Schwing

Cameron Barton Seebach

Rafael Aaron Serfaty

Matthew Charles Shoop

Matthew Herbert Shubin

Mark Hamilton Shushnar*

Brian Patrick Simpson

Nathan Ryan Stark

Robert Joseph Stattler

Nicholas William Swart

John Justin Miciano Sy

Thomas A. Tartaglione Jr.

Armand Terzian

Eric Valentin Traba

James Lawrence Tyler

Daniel Anthony Valdez II

Taylor Joseph Vallone

Steven Joseph Vargas

Daniel Andrew Veloz

Robert Joseph Warnock

Joseph Anthony Wazir

Marc Shogo Witt

Kyle Edward Wong

Timothy Liang Wu

Jora Joseph Zaroukian
