
Our Lawmakers

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Dreier on energy, Georgia disupte

Congressman David Dreier joined other Republican members in calling for a vote on a comprehensive energy plan.

Dreier is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 6566, the American Energy Act, which is designed to promote domestic refineries, renewable and alternative energy solutions, and development of oil shale reserves. He said, “Hopefully, Speaker Pelosi will bring us back for a vote on a real energy policy.”

Dreier, a member of the House Democracy Assistance Commission, expressed firm support for the president’s action to back the Republic of Georgia in its armed dispute with Russia.

Dreier said, “I have had the chance to see first-hand the strong commitment of Georgia’s elected officials to pursue a robust agenda of democratic reform.

“We must continue to support the Georgian people in their endeavor to achieve lasting, prosperous and peaceful democracy.”

Portantino bill on Italians in history

Assembly Bill 1863, legislation by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino to improve the teaching in California schools of the role of Italian Americans in U.S. history, has passed the Assembly on a 58-16 vote. According to the author, “Italian Americans are the fifth largest ethnic group in America. For much of the 20th century, they were the largest immigrant group in the United States, but were never extended credit for the distinctive cultural and critical role they played in shaping American life.”

Education bill by Scott passed

Senator Jack Scott’s SB 890, the early commitment to college bill, has passed the Assembly overwhelmingly and gone to the governor’s desk. The bill signs a pledge by which students and parents agree to make all efforts to qualify for college admission, with the state in return providing access and guidance on enrollment and financial opportunities.

---By Charles Cooper
