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Democratic Club hosts speakers

Three speakers made presentations to the La Cañada Flintridge Democratic Club Sunday Aug. 17 at the Guinta residence in La Cañada. Patricia Horton played a video produced by the USA-PAC (United for a Stronger America Political Action Committee), which showcased the eight congressional candidates supported by the PAC in the Western U.S. Bill Hacket presented an overview of the work done by UDH (United Democratic Headquarters). Supported by the eight area Democratic clubs, UDH sets up a headquarters every other year. This year they are located at 414 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena.

Rick Jacobs updated the club on the activities of the Courage Campaign. He shared research the group had performed into David Dreier’s voting record.

For further information, call the club at (818) 503-3325 or email:

Caltech Associates explore their history

On March 9, 1926, 100 of Southern California’s most influential men and women met in the home of railroad magnate and art collector Henry E. Huntington. This was the first meeting of the Associates of the California Institute of Technology, an organization that has helped Caltech become a scientific world leader.

Today, 2,325 men and women have joined the Associates and the group has helped pay for 37 buildings at Caltech and endowed 52 professorships.

On July 28, 2008, 92 Associates and guests met at the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens to learn about the history of the Associates and the long-standing connection between the Huntington and Caltech.

Melinda McCurdy, associate curator of British art at the Huntington, spoke to the Associates about the $20 million renovation of the Huntington Art Gallery, once the Huntingtons’ home. She discussed the collections in each room, and described how the rooms on the first floor still reflect the lifestyle of the Huntingtons.

Dr. Judy Goodstein, university archivist for Caltech, discussed how the Associates began. She recounted how Robert A. Millikan, the first administrative head of Caltech, asked Trustee Henry Robinson if he thought “we could find 100 men in Southern California who would be both able and eager to put in a $1,000 apiece each year for a period of ten years” to support the growing Institute.

To learn more about the Caltech Associates, call (626) 395-3919.
