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PEO chapter holds holiday luncheon

La Cañada PEO chapter MZ had their annual Christmas meeting at the home of Barbara Dawson.

A catered luncheon was served and a “white elephant” gift exchange was held.

A special part of the day was the collection of new books and stuffed animals to be given to the children at the Door of Hope’s Christmas party for the residents. Door of Hope is a local home which helps families transition from homelessness into their own independent living residence.

President of the MZ chapter of PEO is Pat Stoops.


Local Delta Kappa Gammas meet

The November meeting of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society featured an art show by students of Toll Junior High School in Glendale.

Judie Bakly, a La Cañada resident and art teacher at Toll, displayed art done by her students. Two students, Noah Schneider and Alexandra Specter, attended the meeting and proudly displayed their award winning art pieces.

Parents of both students attended as well as administrators from Glendale Unified School District.

The art show was enjoyed by all of the members of Delta Kappa Gamma attending the meeting.
