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35th Annual Big Strike Event nears

Widespread Council celebrations are in order as Boy Scouting nationally declares its 100th Year Anniversary while at the same time announcing that its 35th Annual Big Strike Auction major fundraiser for the Verdugo Hills Council has been scheduled Saturday, April 4 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium.

Jon Maeda, executive director, and the executive board of the Council appointed Jenny Schwing and Linda Fors as co-chairpersons of this year’s Big Strike Auction along with the complete evening of dining and entertainment.

A licensed designer for corporate interiors, Schwing, of La Crescenta, has been successfully involved in raising over $1 million during her past 15 years with public and private schools as well as churches and scouting. A parent herself of two Eagle Scout sons, she is also currently enrolled at UCLA in a Fundraising Certificate Program.

Fors, of La Cañada, has also reared two Eagle Boy Scouts and a Girl Scout Gold Award daughter. A Scout and den leader as well as PTA president, Fors and her husband Dennis, currently Verdugo Hills Council chair, have both held many positions with this as well as the San Gabriel Valley Council.

These ladies have cleverly conceived and designated this year’s annual event with the theme of “Mining for Scouts.” They are creating a full-fledged Wild West party theme relating to decorations, music, hearty chuck wagon food, attire and entertainment.

The Verdugo Hills Boy Scout Council provides complete scouting opportunities to young men within the widely diverse area of Glendale, Burbank, La CañadaFlintridge, La Crescenta, Montrose, Tujunga, Sunland, Eagle Rock and large sections of the county.

Tickets are $100. Order now by calling (818) 243-6282.


Debutantes honored at holiday gala tea

Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles introduced young women who will be the June Ball Debutantes at a gala tea held on Dec. 23.

The Pasadena Guild was established in 1947 to raise funds for Childrens Hospital’s research and programs. The current $3 million project is known as The Pasadena Guild Endowment for Program Enhancement and Faculty Retention in Developmental Biology.

The annual holiday tea was attended by active, sustaining and associate members of the Guild and honored the young women, their mothers and grandmothers. Greeting the honorees were Pasadena Guild President Mrs. Edward Raymond III and Mrs. James Nelson Shelton.

Also in attendance at this special event were the 2009 Ball chairpersons, Mrs. John F. Reitnouer and Ms. Julie Withers.

La Cañada teens to be presented in June are Erika Hennon and Kimberly McCutchan. From other area cities are debutantes Cristina Aguirre, Sarah Ball, Madeline Banta, Emily Barth, Ariana Basseri, Christine Blauvelt, Katherine Bukowski, Anne Bures, Katherine Corradini, Alexandra Ferraco, Mary Elizabeth Hasbrouck, Kristina Kupka, Amy Leos, Megan O’Toole, Bridget Read and Katherine Read, Carrie Ryan, Amy Sinclair, Molly Taylor, Anna Vaughn, Carter Vettese and Louisa Williams.
