
School briefs

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LCHS annual art show is tonight

The La Cañada High School Art Department presents its annual art show “A Sneak Preview” and fundraiser from 6 to 9 p.m. March 5 in the main auditorium.

Works of art featured include oil paintings, pencil, charcoal, ceramics and fashion.

Admission at the door is $5 per person, and LCHS students with a student ID will be admitted at no charge.

Buy a $1 raffle ticket and win a chance at four tickets to Disneyland, plus parking. To make an additional monetary donation to Friends of Art at La Cañada High School, direct all donations to Mike Kauffman c/o La Cañada High School, 4463 Oak Grove Drive, La Cañada CA 91011.

Friends of Art is a nonprofit organization comprising parents and La Cañada High School artists who raise funds to help support the fine arts and ceramics programs at La Cañada High School. Funds raised provide field trips, guest lectures/demonstrations, special art activities and student college scholarships.

Western Round-Up is 2 p.m. March 7

La Cañada Flintridge Community Center Preschool is hosting its 16th annual fundraiser, the Western Round-Up, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 7 at the preschool.

This popular Western-themed event will feature fun for parents and children alike. Activities will include pony rides, a petting zoo, carnival games and prizes, a silent auction, a raffle drawing, In-N-Out burgers, a bake sale, balloon animals and much more. Local bands PCH and The Black Sheep will be performing.

This event is open to the public. Game tickets and In-N-Out burgers will be available for purchase at the school the day of the event.

Free parking is available at Dilbeck Realtors, at 1030 Foothill Blvd. in La Cañada.

For more information about this event or LCF Community Center Preschool, call (818) 790-8687 or visit

MACK’s Parent’s Night Out

Listening to the sounds of Don Ho and IZ will make attendees of Mountain Avenue Elementary’s annual Parent’s Night Out want to sport a grass skirt, Hawaiian shirt, lei and ukulele.

From 6 to 9 p.m. on March 28 Leah and Kirk Dilbeck’s estate will be transformed into a tropical oasis for the 17th annual fundraising event, benefiting the school’s foundation, Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids. Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the quality education of Mountain Avenue students.

Parent’s Night Out has become an anticipated event where parents come to enjoy each other’s company while supporting the school. This year all proceeds from the event will support campaign “Building for Our Future,” namely the upgrade and expansion of the computer lab with new hardware, software, computers and professional development.

Tickets are on sale now and are $50 per person until March 13. Tickets will be $60 per person after March 13.

For more information, call Leah Dilbeck at (626) 823-5902 or Greg Grande at (818) 957-7881.

In addition to raffle baskets from each grade, opportunity balloons and a new 50/50 raffle sold that night that allows a recipient to win 50 percent of the cash raffle, silent and live auctions at the event are memorable for the desirable offerings featured. This year a partial list of auction items include weekends at the Oaks at Ojai; Las Palomas Beach & Golf Resort in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico; St. Anton Condominiums in Mammoth; Sheraton Universal and Universal Studios; a Big Bear Cabin; and Dodger tickets and a tour of Fire Station 21 and lunch for a child and five of his/her friends.

Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids contributes an average of $125 per student per year. In the past four years, Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids has raised more than $250,000 for the school and funded the annual salaries of the school’s computer and music teachers, purchase of new playground equipment, 38 new Macintosh computers for the computer lab and enhanced the school’s library with additional staffing, computers, books, encyclopedias, video and DVD tools.

Register for LCUSD summer school

Summer school registration fliers shouls have arrived at the homes of students of the La Canada Unified School District, according to the Assistance League of Flintridge. These summer enrichment classes have been a part of student life in La Cañada for 31 years, bringing an exciting variety of unusual classes to the summer months. Some of this summer’s offerings include Actor’s Workshop, Art Adventures, Growing Green, and Here’s the Scoop.

Seventh and eighth graders can participate in beginning and intermediate tennis and robotics, ceramics, computer and Web design and Photoshop Elements.

Registration for classes is on a first-come-first-served basis and began March 2. Many of the popular classes fill up quickly, and families are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Each class period is $150, and no tuition refunds will be made.

Classes for grades one through six are held at Paradise Canyon Elementary School, at 471 Knight Way in La Cañada. Classes for seventh and eighth grades will be held at La Cañada High School, at 4463 Oak Grove Drive in La Cañada.

Classes will run Monday through Friday from June 29 through July 31. Three different periods are offered from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. No classes will be held on July 3.

To register a student, use the application form inside the Assistance League Summer School brochure received or download the registration form from the League’s website at All sections of the registration form must be completed before your child will be considered for registration. Follow all directions designated in the brochure or website to ensure proper registration.

The Assistance League of Flintridge offers employment opportunities for its summer school program to teachers, teacher aides, a health clerk for elementary level students and two administrative clerks. Applications are available at school sites, or at the League’s Chapter House, at 4607 Oakwood Ave. in La Cañada.
