
10,20,30,40 and 50 Years Ago from the pages of the Valley Sun

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Ten Years Ago

School officials turned out for the ground-breaking ceremony signaling the start of work on Phase II-A of the La Cañada High School construction plan. The work, which was to include a student drop-off turnaround for the seventh- and eighth-graders, was targeted for completion by mid-June 1999.

Twenty Years Ago

La Cañada Flintridge’s Teen Club Nine, which had been operating since October 1988 and averaging 40-60 youths per meeting, was preparing for its six-month evaluation. The club was formed by the city following the 1986 death during a party of a local boy, Joe Lutz, 17; the hope was that youths 12-18 years of age would participate in a club that offered a no-alcohol, drug-free atmosphere.

Thirty Years Ago

JPL scientist Don Lynn spoke to members and friends of La Cañada Masonic Lodge #739 at a special Easter program on “The Shroud of Turin.” Lynn, a member of a team of American scientists invited to perform tests on the shroud and its image, explained the details of the research project to his audience.

Forty Years Ago

Neighbors along Knight Way and the Paradise Canyon Elementary School PTA stepped up efforts to get sidewalks installed between Gould and Oakwood avenues after an accident in which a 7-year-old boy ran into the street and was struck by a slow-moving car.

Fifty Years Ago

The Committee for La Cañada Community Baseball sent out fundraising letters to 5,000 local households as part of a campaign to complete construction of a modern, lighted baseball field on two acres of the old Spalding horse stable property, today home to the La Cañada High campus.
