
Youth Briefs

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FSHA senior receives Christian Service Medal

Megan Turner, a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, was honored for her exemplary Christian service at a ceremony at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles on March 24.

She was one of 78 seniors chosen from 50 Catholic high schools throughout the five regions of the archdiocese to receive the Christian Service Award presented by Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark.

Christian service has been a constant in Turner’s life since she joined National Charity League in the 7th grade. While she has participated in numerous philanthropic programs, one which she has a particular affinity for is the Special Olympics.

For the past six years she has served as a volunteer at the annual event, where she escorts athletes to their competitions, works at concession booths and cheers athletes on to the finish line.

“Helping these special athletes lets me appreciate everything I have — my health and family,” said Turner, who has played basketball for four years and competed in shot put for the track team for the past two years at Flintridge.

In addition to her athletic pursuits, Turner serves as co-editor of the school’s yearbook, is a member of the French club, and busses tables at the Oakmont Country Club on weekends.

She still makes time to drop in and see the residents at Twelve Oaks, a senior housing facility in Glendale.

“I usually visit once a month or more; sometimes I just talk with the residents, other times I bring them magazines,” said Turner.

The FSHA senior will attend San Diego State University in the fall, where she will major in business, but where she also plans to continue volunteering for causes where she can make a difference.
