
LCF Shakes’ Ross takes top dramatic award

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Sam R. Ross, co-artistic director of the fledgling La Cañada Flintridge Shakespeare Festival and Conservatory Program (LCF Shakes), this month received the Dramatic Performance of the Year award from StageSceneLA in its 2008-2009 Highest Honors category for his performance in “Breaking the Code.”

In the play, which ran for six weeks this summer at The Chandler Theater in North Hollywood, Ross played Alan Turing, known as the father of modern computing, whose work in decrypting coded Nazi messages is said to have hastened the end of World War II in Europe by two years.

Ross and Matthew Burgos are introducing LFC Shakes with a 20-minute slice of “The Tempest” on four consecutive nights, Oct. 1-4, in the Byrnes Amphitheatre at Flintridge Sacred Heat Academy.

Attendees will enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages while Ross and Burgos share their vision of next summer’s inaugural Shakespeare festival.

The evenings, which are free of charge, require reservations which can be made on line at
