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Part 1


As women enter the wonderful stage of “mature youth,” which is over 50, they will find that their skin, lips, hair, eyebrows and lashes will thin. Goodness, you say!

But the choice is to fight the aging gracefully or just let it happen naturally. There are consequences to letting ourselves go. Our body is a gift, and I feel that there is a responsibility to look and feel the best we can. If you look good, you will feel good and more confident. You will then be more inclined to do good.

By wearing makeup, you will feel more positive and have more energy. Makeup does more than protect your skin. It will even your skin tone, diminish the “lines of grace” in your face, and definitely will make you look and feel younger. A client once told me that when she started wearing makeup men started opening doors and women asked her opinions.

Research shows that tasteful dress and makeup gives potential hires an advantage over others that don’t — particularly those who work with the public.

A client of many years came into my studio for her makeup update. A week later, I received a call saying that she was thrilled with her updated look. She was going for an interview, wearing her new colors and makeup keyed to her eyes, skin, hair and personality. She is a traditional/corporate personality. She wanted to thank me and let me know that the two hours I spent with her helped to make her look great, feel more confident, and that it made an incredible, lasting difference.

Different personalities need different makeup applications. A natural type would wear a much softer, somewhat nude facial look than a dramatic type who would wear bolder, deeper colors. There are different variations for makeup and dress for each personality, including the feminine romantic, sophisticated romantic, gamin or ingenue.

Over the coming few weeks I’ll offer tips and tricks to enhance your total look. Let’s first look at your hair. To balance the thinning hair, use hair products that add volume. Make sure that the hair color harmonizes with your skin, hair and eye color. You may consider coloring hair closer to your original color as you mature. Your color palette will indicate the best hair color. Avoid going too dark or too light and do manage the hair regrowth.

Get in touch DIANA OLSON, MA AICI CIP, is an image/etiquette & civility specialist who conducts consultations, workshops and seminars. She can be contacted at (626) 584-9761 or or e-mail:
