
Nine students granted scholarships

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Nine high school graduating seniors, all residents of La Cañada Flintridge, have been awarded scholarships by the La Cañada Thursday Club, it was announced this week by Judith Cooper, club president.

The scholarship recipients were recently honored at a tea held at the club. Scholarships were awarded to Amanda Borland, Divya Goel, Sarena Lu, Nicholas Lupica, Brandon Nahigian, Megan Nathan, Janice Park, Melissa Pittson and Mary Young.

Amanda Borland is the daughter of Brad and Maureen Borland and is a student at La Cañada High School. She is a member of the California Scholarship Federation, the National Honor Society, is a National Merit special finalist, a Golden State Merit Seal recipient, was ASB vice president, and a member of varsity songs. She has earned her Girl Scout Gold Award and is the recipient of the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce Leadership/ Community Service Award. Amanda will be attending USC, where she plans to study business administration to pursue a marketing career in the entertainment industry.

Divya Goel is the daughter is Deepak and Abha Goel and is a student at Crescenta Valley High School. Divya is a member of the National Honor Society and is an AP Scholar with Distinction. She ranks 45th in a class of 752. She is the recipient of the Occidental Book Award and the Scholar Athlete Award. She was CVHS’ Mock Trial Team president, coaches softball, track and field and pole vault, and was creative director of the Falcon student newspaper. Divya will be attending USC, where she plans to study journalism and international relations to become a journalist or international diplomat.

Sarena Lu is the daughter of Anthony and Jenny Lu and is a student at La Cañada High School. She is a member of the California Scholarship Federation, the National Honor Society and the National Society of High School Seniors. She is co-captain of the varsity tennis team, has earned an advanced certificate of merit for piano, and is the recipient of the Girl Scout Gold Award. She volunteers as a mentor, assists a therapist working with autistic children, and is her church pianist. Sarena will be attending Cal State Northridge Honors Program, where she plans to study kinesiology to become a physical therapist.

Nicholas Lupica is the son of Anthony and Cindy Lupica and is a student at St. Francis High School. He is an Eagle Scout, a member of the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation. He is the recipient of the varsity basketball team’s Golden Knight Award, has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, Brother’s Helpers and Comfort Zone Camp, and served as a St. Bede Confirmation Team Leader. Nicholas will attend the University of Notre Dame, where he will study business administration/pre-med. He hopes to pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon.

Brandon Nahigian is the son Steven and Carolyn Nahigian and is a student at Maranatha High School. Brandon is ranked first in a class of 156 and is the 2010 class valedictorian. He is an Eagle Scout, an AP Scholar with honors, a member of the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation. He is the recipient of the Rotary Youth Leadership Award, the Varsity Basketball Scholar Athlete Award, and is treasurer of the Ambassador Club. He was Scout leader to Half Dome and has “summitted” Mt. Whitney twice. He tutors, has gone on mission trips to Nicaragua and is active in student leadership at La Cañada Presbyterian Church. Brandon will attend USC, where he will study engineering. He plans to become a mechanical engineer.

Megan Nathan is the daughter of Steven and Rita Nathan and is a student at La Cañada High School. She is an AP Scholar with honors, a Hispanic National Merit Scholar, a member of the California Scholarship Federation and the National Honor Society, and is a Golden State Merit Seal Recipient. She was ASB treasurer and vice president of the school site council. She has earned her Girl Scout Gold Award and is the recipient of the Rotary Club 2009 Art Award. Megan will be attending USC, where she plans to study chemistry. She hopes to pursue a career as a surgeon for Doctors without Borders.

Janice Park is the daughter of Yong and Youngmi Park and a student at Flintridge Prep. She is an AP Scholar with Distinction, a National Merit Commended Student, and a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and the California Scholarship Federation. She is a recipient of the Presidential Champion Gold and Platinum awards for water polo, and the President’s Volunteer Service Award for Community Service. She is water polo team captain, editor of the school newspaper, a flutist in the school orchestra, president of the Key Club and volunteers with the Assisteens and City Youth Council. Janice will attend Cornell University with a major in international relations/sociology. She hopes to pursue a career in international journalism.

Melissa Pittson is the daughter of Glenn and Nancy Pittson and a student at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, and Mu Alpha Theta (the Math Honor Society). She was ASB secretary, a Journey and Kairos Leader, played on the JV and varsity tennis teams and is a member of the Amnesty International Club. She is a lector at St. Bede’s Church, a dancer with the Dance Infusion Company, and served as president of the Thursday Club’s 2009 class of Les Fleurettes debutantes. Melissa will attend UCLA with a major in business administration. She plans to pursue a career in interior design.

Mary Young is the daughter of James and Joy Young and is a student at La Cañada High School. She is an AP Scholar and a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, the National Society of High School Scholars and Mu Alpha Theta (the Math Honor Society). She has served as president of ASB and the School Site Council and was a member of the varsity volleyball team, Bridge and the Ceramics Club. She was homecoming queen and president of her National Charity League Debutante Class. Mary will attend UC Davis, where she will study political science. She hopes to pursue a career in law, music supervision or event planning.

Since 1960, the La Cañada Thursday Club has presented annual scholarships to area high school students. Scholarship funds are raised throughout the year at various Club activities and special events, via the Les Fleurettes debutante program, and from special donations. The 2009/2010 Scholarship Committee comprised five former teachers in the La Cañada Unified School District including Chairman Jean Chubb and committee members Gale Caswell, Trish Diaz, Merrily Hake and Miriam Phillips.
