
Secrets of color power

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Part 2 This week and next I’ll wrap up an interview a graduate student, Ivan Iannoli, held with me recently. Iannoli is completing his master of fine arts degree in photography at UCLA and posed several questions to me. Last week I printed the first portion of the interview.

Q. If I’m surrounded by the “right” colors, that is, the colors that best suit me, how might my life be different than if I were surrounded by the wrong, or inappropriate colors? The right colors are supportive, not dominant, and highlight a person’s eyes, skin, hair, bone structure and energy intensity. All clothing in one’s closet can easily be coordinated together. Fewer items of clothing will be needed. The wrong colors can create stress on others and become barriers to communication. The wrong colors can add weight and age. For example, black is a fashion color but should be reserved for one with black hair as it will complement the hair, skin and eyes. Otherwise, it can be aging and accentuate lines in the face. Wearing the correct colors generates a feeling of harmony resulting in an accurate and positive self-image while increasing self-esteem and confidence.

Q. One component of your image consulting work seems focused on helping your clients find and wear the right attire. My understanding from reading the materials on your site is that you believe the clothing/exterior should be an extension of energy/interior of the individual. How do you identify somebody’s energy or individuality? How do you make that connection? And why is color the best way to convey this individualized, interior state? Yes, clothing represents the outer expression of one’s inner harmony. Before I work with anyone, I have them take a validated personality assessment created by Dr. Larry Craft, president of Craft Systems, who has administered the CPP (Comprehensive Personality Profile) to thousands of employees to determine, among other things, their energy intensity. I also have clients ask three people who know them well to write ten positive descriptive words about them. These 30 words become a gift as they journey toward celebrating their uniqueness.

In assessing their qualities, I watch the way they walk and talk, which shows me their energy intensity. I also assess their coloring and weight of their bone structure. From several thousand color swatches that are tested against their skin, hair and eyes, I create a composite for them (50 to 100 color swatches) to take home to use when purchasing clothing. I also use their color palette to determine the makeup that they should wear. When they use their color palette, everything they purchase will be coordinated in their closet.

No two people have the same color palette, as everyone is unique. A person with strong dynamic energy and bronze skin tones might wear stronger reds with brown/ gold undertones. A person who is quiet, shy, and inner-directed might have certain dusty reds. One who is animated and fun-loving may have light bright coloring; and, may wear an energetic coral red with clarity and white/ yellow undertones. One with black hair and light skin with introverted energy may have dark bright intense reds. Everyone can wear every color, but the tints, tones, and shades are different from person to person. No two people, even twins are alike.

Q. I’m assuming you love color. Can you talk simply about why that is? What happens to you when you behold color? Does it make you think of anything? Feel anything? When I wear my personal colors, I feel excited and exhilarated. There are certain colors in my color palette for particular occasions. For instance, if I am being honored or when I am speaking to an audience, I might wear my “exquisite” colors, which are clear light/bright or softer shades of greens. When my friend is being honored, I might wear my “supportive” colors which are my blues or lavenders. My eye colors are a deep grayed- green which is a rapport-building color and quite relaxing. Black is very depressing to me so I rarely choose it. I do have one black velvet dress on which I have an ivory lace scarf to brighten and soften the color near my face. Blue lavender is one of my favorite colors because of the gentleness, refinement and elegance.
