
Crime Blotter

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Area 1

West Big Tujunga Canyon Road: Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call regarding illegal use of a credit card on July 7 at 4:30 p.m. The victim showed deputies a statement with fraudulent charges totaling $1,593.09.

Canyonside Road and Irving Avenue: Los Angeles County Public Works employees contacted sheriff’s deputies after seeing several juveniles spray-painting in the flood control basin on July 7. The workers detained one of the suspects, who was later arrested and booked on suspicion of vandalism.

Los Olivos Lane: A resident left two cars parked on the street overnight July 8-9 from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. When she returned, she saw that both of her vehicles had been vandalized. The body of her 2001 Honda had been scratched, and the vinyl convertible roof slashed. And her 1999 Mercedes Benz was also scratched on the body and glass. The damage was valued at $9,500.

1200 block of Little Tujunga Canyon Road: Sheriff’s deputies responded to a vehicle fire on July 8 at 4 a.m. They saw firefighters from Engine Co. No. 74 extinguish the fire, and then examined the vehicle. It had out-of-state license plates. The damage was estimated at $17,000.

Area 2

Conle Way: Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call regarding identity theft committed on July 11-13. The victim reported that somebody made five fraudulent charges to a debit card. The total loss was valued at $2,223.53.

Loma Vista Drive: The air valve cap was removed from a tire on his 2004 Ford Mustang parked on the street from June 11 to June 12 between noon and 3 p.m. The air valve stem was also damaged. The victim reported that this is the third time in a month that the air valve has been stolen from his tires.

1900 block of Tondolea Lane: A resident parked his 2008 Toyota 4Runner in front of his residence overnight on July 10-11 from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. When the victim returned to the vehicle the next day, he saw that it had been searched and cash and sunglasses were missing. The total loss was valued at $170.

4600 block of Encinas Drive: The east side flood control wall of a residence was vandalized sometime between July 5 and July 8. The damage was estimated at $1,000.

400 block of Rinetti Lane: A property owner reported that someone stole his water meter sometime between July 2 and July 7. The meter was attached to a fire hydrant with a heavy-duty padlock. The meter was rented from the Valley Water Company and was used to measure how much water is drawn out of the hydrant.

5500 block of Godbey Drive: An ice cream freezer was stolen from the La Cañada Flintridge Country Club’s open-air pool snack stand overnight July 6-7 between 10 p.m. and 10 a.m. Several lounge chairs had also been thrown into the pool but were not damaged. The total loss was valued at $600.

Area 3

4200 block of Beulah Drive: Somebody smashed the rear driver’s-side window of a 2005 Audi A4 that was parked in a driveway overnight July 7-8 from 10 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nothing was stolen. The damage was valued at $500.
