
Crime Blotter

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Area 1

Foothill Boulevard and Sunset Avenue: Deputies stopped a motorist for driving without turning on his car’s headlights after dark on Aug. 20. When they approached the vehicle they could smell burnt marijuana. A passenger in the car admitted to having marijuana in his possession, but said he had a marijuana medical card. The marijuana was confiscated pending a narcotics investigation.

Area 2

300 block of Knight Way: A man parked his 2005 Honda Civic on the street in front of a residence on Aug. 19 at 7 p.m. He returned a few minutes later and saw that the rear passenger window had been smashed. Nothing had been stolen from the vehicle. The damage was valued at $250.

5000 block of Hill Street: Somebody forced entry into a locked residence by breaking a lock on a kitchen window on Aug. 21 between 1:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. The suspect stole a gold and diamond tennis bracelet, a gold and diamond ring, a gold necklace and diamond earrings. The total loss was valued at $4,805.

4000 block of Cornishon Avenue: Someone stole a brass fire department connection from a water spout on the north side of the Lanterman Auditorium overnight Aug. 20-21 between 6 p.m. and 3 p.m. The loss was valued at $1,200.

Area 3

4000 block of Woodleigh Lane: A woman hung her purse on the back of her chair while attending a wedding reception at the Thursday Club on Aug. 21 at 10 p.m. She left the purse briefly to dance with her partner, and returned to find the purse missing. The purse contained a wallet, cash, credit cards, a California driver’s license and cell phone. The total loss was valued at $840.

700 block of Foothill Boulevard: A man parked his 2002 Nissan Altima behind a business on Aug. 19. When he returned two days later, the hood had been pried open and the battery was missing. A stereo and tires were also stolen from a 1993 Nissan pickup truck that was parked at the same location during the same time period.
