
What happened in LCF 10-20-30 Years Ago

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Ten Years Ago

It was reported that the Census 2000 figures released in late March 2001 showed La Cañada Flintridge’s population had grown to 20,318, up 4.9% over the 1990 count.

Twenty Years Ago

Storms saturated La Cañada Flintridge with rainfall and brought snow and hail to the 2,000-foot elevation level. More snow and rain were in the forecast for early April 1990.

Thirty Years Ago

A 27-year-old service station attendant, Allan Tufankigian, lost his life after he was accidentally crushed between two cars while pumping gas at the La Cañada Arco station. Investigation officers said that an 82-year-old woman who had pulled into the station and stopped several feet behind Tufankigian apparently let her foot slip from the brake to the accelerator when she leaned over to open her car’s glove compartment.

Forty Years Ago

The Lettermen’s Club at La Cañada High School challenged the school’s faculty to a game of donkey basketball in the gymnasium. Money raised during the benefit game would be earmarked for the sports concession stand fund.

Fifty Year Ago

The La Cañada school board was taking heat from some area residents for the projected costs for two additional classroom buildings for Paradise Canyon Elementary School when it was learned that bids ranged from $42,440 to $58,256.

Sixty Years Ago

La Cañada school district voters approved a parcel tax but narrowly turned down a $140,000 bond issue in a March 1951 election.
