
What happened in LCF 10-20-30 years ago?

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Ten Years Ago

It was learned that La Cañada Flintridge City Council meetings would soon be aired on television via Charter Cable. The total cost to the city of having used video equipment installed at City Hall was $35,000.

Twenty Years Ago

The small Iris Creative Clothing shop on the 1300 block of Foothill Boulevard was cleaned out over a weekend by burglars, with the owners reporting losses nearing $25,000. Among the items stolen were 10 of the 78 dresses the shop’s proprietor was making for the Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy graduating class.

Thirty Years Ago

Work began on the city’s project to install underground utility poles and power lines along Foothill Boulevard. The $1.6 million project was expected to be completed by December 1981.

Forty Years Ago

Law enforcement patrols were assigned the task of citing anyone driving a motorized vehicle on the 210 Freeway then under construction through La Cañada, after residents complained that dune buggies and motorcycles were creating too much noise on weekends.

Fifty Years Ago

A circus theme was chosen for the 1961 fundraising carnival sponsored by the PTA at Paradise Canyon Elementary School and held at the Knight Way campus.

Sixty Years Ago

A bill co-authored by state Assemblyman Frank Lanterman (R-La Cañada) permitting unincorporated areas, including his hometown, to join the Metropolitan Water District was signed by Gov. Earl Warren.
