
What happened in LCF 10-20-30 years ago?

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Ten Years Ago

The city began considering an application from Sport Chalet to build a corporate headquarters office on what was then the 900 block of Houseman Street. The corporate offices of the retail chain had outgrown their location on Foothill Boulevard.

Twenty Years Ago

Berlyn Cosman of La Crescenta, an honor student and athlete at Crescenta Valley High School, died after being shot in the head during a post-prom overnight stay at a hotel near Disneyland. Charged with her murder was Paul Michael Crowder, 19, also a La Crescenta resident.

Thirty Years Ago

Senior citizen Tony Castro of La Cañada broke the record time for his age bracket (70-75) in the 200-meter competition at the Pacific AAU Track Meet in Los Gatos.

Forty Years Ago

The school board was presented with a petition signed by 68% of the La Cañada High School student body calling for the school’s dress code to be abolished and responsibility for appropriate attire and hairstyles left to parental discretion.

Fifty Years Ago

La Cañada Junior High, built in 1950 but completed 11 years later with the construction of Lanterman Auditorium and the round library building, was officially dedicated on June 9, 1961 in a ceremony held on its athletic field. The dedication took place just three weeks before the campus was relinquished by Pasadena Unified School District to become the property of the newly formed La Cañada Unified.

Sixty Years Ago

Crown Avenue residents learned their street would be torn up for much of the summer of 1951 for the construction of the Paradise Canyon flood control channel, which replaced an inadequate channel between Crown and Carmel Road.
