
What happened in LCF 10-20-30 years ago?

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Ten Years Ago

A mountain lion set up a den in a densely vegetated area behind a backyard on Lyans Drive and stayed there at least a few days before being flushed out by animal control officers.

Twenty Years Ago

Descanso Gardens began its program of selling commemorative tiles to be placed in the $1.5 million, five-acre rose garden that was being planned. It was estimated that approximately 4,000 rose bushes would be planted in the new showcase area, with groundbreaking set for November 1991.

Thirty Years Ago

Twenty-seven years’ worth of mortgages that paved the way for campus improvements were paid off and symbolically burned at Flintridge Preparatory School. The private school was founded in 1933 on property that was formerly an animal farm.

Forty Years Ago

With the project approximately 30% complete, a strike by Iron Workers Shopmen’s Union Local 509 halted almost all work on the Foothill (210) Freeway through La Cañada and on the adjoining Glendale (2) Freeway-Montrose interchange project.

Fifty Years Ago

A 10-foot high white wooden cross on Lanterman Hill near Descanso Gardens, the focus during many Easter sunrise services over the years, was toppled. Sheriff’s deputies surmised it had either been knocked over by vandals or by careless county workers using a tractor or bulldozer to clear a fire break on the hillside.

Sixty Years Ago

The board of directors of the La Cañada Valley Chest and Welfare Council voted 23-13 to give $8,500 to the La Cañada Youth Council to speed construction of its Youth House on Chevy Chase Drive, which today is known as the Community Center of La Cañada Flintridge.
