
Crime Blotter - July 13, 2011

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AREA 1: 2600 block of Foothill Boulevard: A woman was shopping at Ralphs in La Crescenta at about noon on July 5 with her purse sitting open in her shopping cart. She stopped to talk with the cashier for a few minutes and when she returned, couldn’t find her phone, which she had left in her purse. The phone was valued at $150.

2400 block of Montrose Avenue: A man parked his vehicle on the north side of Montrose Avenue at about 9 p.m. on July 8. When he returned the next morning he found that someone had defaced his car with a sharp object. There no identifying characters on the car except “B13,” which was etched on the hood of the car. The damage was valued at $2,000.


400 block of Dover Road: Deputies responded to an alarm that was sounded at a home on the night of July 7. The deputies saw a front window had been smashed. When the owner returned home, he walked the deputies around the house and said nothing appeared to be missing or disturbed, aside from the smashed window, which cost about $1500.

300 block of Knight Way: A man spotted a white Ford Windstar van parked in the middle of Knight Way facing a Sienna van while driving down the street early Saturday morning. The Windstar van’s door was open and a man wearing a dark hoodie was reaching through the smashed driver’s-side window of the Toyota Sienna. The man was startled when he saw the car and quickly jumped in his car and drove away. The owner of the Sienna van was contacted and searched his vehicle. A GPS device that had been sitting on the dashboard in plain view was missing. Total damages were placed at $600.
