
Crime Blotter - August 4, 2011

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Area 1: 3000 block of Santa Carlotta Street: Between the hours of noon on Friday, July 29 and 1:30 p.m. on Saturday July 30, an unlocked 2003 GMC Yukon was entered and its third row rear seats were stolen. Nothing else was taken.

2500 block of Prospect Ave.: Sometime between 10 p.m. Wednesday, July 27 and 8 a.m. Sunday, July 31, a red 2004 Toyota Corolla was stolen off the street.

4800 block of La Crescenta Ave.: A Jeep Cherokee was parked with its passenger windows on each side open 4-5 inches from 10 p.m. Thursday July 28. Upon returning at 10 a.m. Friday, July 29 the victim found that his GPS, iTouch and digital camera had been stolen. The items were valued at $200, $275 and $700 respectively.

Area 2

Hillard Avenue, south of Earlmont Drive: On Monday, Aug. 1, while a 2009 Honda Accord was parked between 1:15 and 3:15 p.m., one of its windows was smashed. A GPS unit was removed from the center console. The window and the GPS were valued at $300 and $250 respectively.

300 block of Santa Inez Way: At 4:33 a.m. on Saturday, July 20, deputies responded to a call regarding a naked person yelling and running in the street. After the suspect was transported to Huntington Hospital, deputies searched the suspect’s car. They found Los Angeles resident Phillip Gandara passed out in the back seat holding a canister of nitrous oxide. He was arrested.

5300 Godbey Drive: The bags of three La Cañada students were stolen between 5:30 p.m. and 5:40 p.m. on Friday, July 29 after they left them out on the driveway at the home of one of the victims. The students reported that a neighbor had seen a woman in white Toyota Camry take the bags, which contained clothing, a camera, and cellphones. The total value of the stolen items was placed at $1475.

Area 3

3800 block of Domal Lane: Deputies arriving at a residence in response to a burglary alarm on July 31 found that a glass sliding door in the master bedroom had been smashed. The room was ransacked, but as the owner of the home was on vacation, deputies were unable to ascertain whether any items were missing. The damage to the door and some window blinds was estimated to be $660.

900 block of Foothill Boulevard: An informant called in an illegal dumping of hazardous waste in the parking lot behind a retail store on Friday, July 29. A 55-gallon blue drum containing paint and paint thinners was found and disposed of by L.A. County Road Maintenance personnel after the LA County Fire hazmat team checked it. The informant told deputies she did not know who had dumped the waste.

4100 block of Wishing Hill Drive: After hearing a loud noise while in the shower at 9:45 a.m. on Friday July 29, the daughter of the owners of the house exited the bathroom only to come face to face with a burglar. The daughter described the suspect at five feet 10 inches tall, weighing 180-200 pounds, with dirty blond hair. Upon the encounter the suspect said, “Oh man,” and ran out of the house. No items were reported stolen, but a door, valued at $400, was smashed open.

4100 block of Chevy Chase Drive: Between 9:50 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday July 27 multiple valuables, including a 42 inch TV, 24 karat gold necklaces and bracelets, a diamond-studded watch and several sabers with precious stones were stolen. The front door had been forced open and the home ransacked. The television was valued at $800 and the broken door at $300. Values were not given for the other stolen items.
