
Power returns sporadically to La Cañada

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La Cañada Flintridge’s commercial district is getting back to business, as power as come back on along Foothill Boulevard, although Southern California Edison still hasn’t provided a timeline for full restoration.

Traffic signals along Foothill were back online, although some are still flashing red as they await a reset. Arabo Parseghian, Public Works Management Analyst, said the city had notified L.A. County Public Works, and that all lights along Foothill should be reset and full functional within a few hours.

George Crispin, of Bramblewood Road, said that his power came back in his home yesterday afternoon, before which it had been out since Wednesday night.

Although some residents have power, David A. Ford, a SCE spokesperson, said that the company could not provide specific information as to what areas of the city would be receiving power nor put a timeline on the power restoration efforts.

“One customer on one side of the street might have power while a customer on the other side won’t, because they’re on a different circuit than their neighbor,” said Ford.

Ford said that SCE was trying to restore power to those who had been without it the longest as soon as possible.

“I know our crews are continuing to work around the clock to restore service as quickly as possible,” said Ford. “Many of the customers that have been without power the longest are prioritized.”

Edward Hitti, Director of Public Works, said that the city had no further information on the restoration of power than what was provided by SCE.

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News

Twitter: @ValleySunDan
