
What happened 10-20-30 years ago in LCF?

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Ten Years Ago

Longtime La Cañada resident Lynn Newcomb, whose family had owned the Newcomb’s Ranch site in the San Gabriel Mountains for more than 100 years, announced he had sold the property to another La Cañadan, Dr. Frederick Rundall.

Twenty Years Ago

It was reported that membership in the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce and Community Association had reached a high of 824.

Thirty Years Ago

Four male teens were arrested after breaking into Ivers department store in Plaza de La Cañada (where T.J.Maxx is today) shortly after 1 a.m. on Dec. 29, 1981 by shattering the front glass windows. The youths ran inside and grabbed approximately $7,000 worth of clothing, jewelry and sunglasses before taking off. They might have escaped, had the driver of their getaway car not been stopped for speeding on Foothill about six blocks west of the store.

Forty Years Ago

Five days of stormy weather brought 6.25 inches of rain to La Cañada and lots of snow to the mountains towering over the town during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day 1972.

Fifty Years Ago

Sheriff’s deputies who were in a patrol car on Foothill Boulevard spotted flames at 4:30 a.m. one Sunday in December 1961 and made a beeline toward them. The two men were credited with arousing a sleeping family from their burning home and getting them to safety. Most of the roof of the house, located in the 4800 block of Indianola Way, was destroyed.

Sixty Years Ago

The La Cañada Thursday Club held its first debutante ball on Dec. 27, 1951 at Oakmont Country Club. Twelve young women made their bows to society at the event, which carried a snowflake theme.
