
Parade takes Los Gringos Locos to new location

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A Mexican food mainstay in La Cañada Flintridge, Los Gringos Locos, brought out supporters of their homemade guacamole today to help them move a few blocks into their new location in the Plaza de La Cañada.

About 50 supporters of the restaurant gathered at the old location, 464 Foothill at 4 p.m., and shortly thereafter, wearing sombreros and carrying bottles of salsa, followed Los Gringos Locos staff in a march up the boulevard to the new location at 631 Foothill.

The crowd ranged from young to old, but attendees shared the sentiments of Margaret Quinn, who said she was out to support the restaurant and enjoy the parade.

With a mariachi band leading the way, the parade drew onlookers on Foothill, including Dan Pinchbeck of Montrose. Asked if he’d seen anything like this in La Cañada, he said, “No, never, it’s cool though.” He added that he was excited to visit the new location.

Los Gringos Locos General Manager Carlos Martinez said that after finding out their liquor license transfer had received approval from the DABC today, staff had been busy preparing the new location so it could be open for business for 5 p.m.

Having the kitchen ready was paramount, as in an email blast sent out earlier in the day, owner Bent Hansen had promised parade-goers a, “FREE GIFT for all those that come help. It will be something really tasty too.”

Martinez said that the restaurant would stay open till at least 10 p.m., and possibly later if there were customers, and that on Friday and Saturday the new weekend closing time of midnight would be in effect.

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News

Twitter: @ValleySunDan
