
Owl Trail defaced by possible prom invitation

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Hikers along the Owl Trail in Cherry Canyon usually enjoy the shaded tranquillity of the ravine before emerging into the open chaparral of the trails above.

But this week they were greeted by something more than squirrels dashing around under the oaks. A rock formation just off the trail was tagged with a graffito reading “Prom?”

Hiker Anne Karayan took a picture of the scene and hopes to discourage people from defacing the trail again. “Every morning I walk along the trail with my dog. It’s beautiful under the oaks, an escape from the city into a natural paradise. To find graffiti on the boulders ruins that sweet, innocent beauty,” she wrote in an email.

Karayan deduces that a local teen used the rock wall to invite a date to the prom, and added, “I sure hope he was turned down.”

Both La Cañada High School and Flintridge Sacred Heart High Academy hold their proms on Saturday night.

La Cañada High seniors will party at L.A. Live, Flintridge Sacred Heart holds its event at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles.

-- Bill Kisliuk, Times Community News

Twitter: @bkisliuk
