
What happened 10-20-30 years ago in LCF?

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Ten Years Ago

Members of the La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn. announced plans to serve up tri-tip lunches in the parking lot at the Vons market. The cost was $5 per plate, with money raised during the June 2002 event to go toward the organization’s 2003 Rose Parade float.

Twenty Years Ago

More than 300 people turned out to offer their best wishes to longtime local educator Don Hingst, who was retiring as principal of Palm Crest Elementary School, his last post in the LCUSD.

Thirty Years Ago

The school board decided that La Cañada High School administrators could continue to provide a smoking area on campus for students. Assistant Principal Voytek Dolinski said that providing a spot for smokers made it easier to control the activity and keep it out of the restrooms and other campus areas.

Forty Years Ago

The Gladys Wood Memorial Garden, planted at La Cañada Elementary School to honor the memory of a longtime teacher, was formally dedicated.

Fifty Years Ago

An architect’s rendering of the planned $3 million La Cañada High School was released in June 1962 by the Los Angeles firm of Smith, Powell and Morgridge. The La Cañada school district’s first high school was expected to be ready for occupancy by the fall of 1963.

Sixty Years Ago

The national observance of “Eisenhower Day” on June 26, 1952 was marked in La Cañada by a rally of the general’s supporters that was held at Paradise Canyon School. The topic of the evening meeting was “What We Can Do to Nominate Ike.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Powers Europe, had retired from active military service on May 31 of that year.
