
Crime blotter: About $4,500 worth of jewelry stolen from home

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Oct. 10

Forgery: 500 block of Foothill Boulevard, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. A woman discovered that a check for $120 that had been mailed to a caretaker never reached its intended recipient, but had been cashed in Culver City with the dates and names on it altered.

Oct. 12

Attempted burglary: 600 block of Houseman Street, 10:30 a.m. A woman noticed that her window screen was falling off, and upon inspection, saw fingerprints on the windowsill, and that the flowers below had been stepped on. The window did not appear to have been opened, and nothing appeared to have been stolen from the home.

Burglary: 1200 block of El Vago Street, between 4:45 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. A $4,500 Rolex watch, a gold coin valued at $2,000, and $1,000 in cash were stolen from a locked home that appeared to have been entered through a smashed bedroom window.

Oct. 16

Burglary: 5400 block of Rock Castle Road, 2:20 p.m. About $4,500 worth of jewelry was stolen from a house during a distraction burglary. A suspect approached one of the victims, saying he was trimming trees on the house in the rear, and needed to access the yard. A few minutes later, another suspect entered the home under the same guise. Soon after the victims left them alone, the suspects were later seen entering a beige sedan and driving off, and the jewelry was missing.

La Crescenta/Montrose

Oct. 15

Burglary: 3100 Foothill Boulevard, 1:25 p.m. Two leaf blowers were stolen from Orchard Supply Hardware by a man who grabbed the leaf blowers and then ran out of an emergency exit. He entered a white truck, which drove off.
