
Man wandering LCHS campus taken to local hospital

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A 23-year-old man entered La Cañada High School last week, walking into classrooms and talking incoherently, authorities said.

The man was detained on campus around 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21, said Sgt. Robert Galbraith of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. He seemed confused and walked into different classrooms, Galbraith said.

Deputies took the man to a local hospital for observation for 72 hours, said Galbraith. The man was not arrested, he added.

The man’s name and city of residence was not released because he was a medical patient. Galbraith said only that the man lives in Los Angeles County.

Galbraith said the man did not act violent while on campus. It is unknown how or where he entered the campus.

“Anything that happens at the school, we don’t take it lightly at all,” said Galbraith. “We take it very seriously.”

Officials at the school district and the high school did not return requests for comments.

On Tuesday, La Cañada High School Principal Ian McFeat mentioned the incident in an emailed newsletter to parents.

In the newsletter, McFeat identified the man as a former student at the high school.

“The former student came onto campus and entered separate classrooms before he was apprehended by our security team,” McFeat wrote in the newsletter. “The situation was dealt with swiftly and appropriately, and at no time was the former student deemed a danger or threat to students on campus. Law enforcement escorted this individual off campus at the conclusion of the capture.”


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