
Commentary: In time for Easter, a Calvary in California

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One of the things that keeps the same 3-mile hike that I take almost every day from being boring is that in the isolation of the national forest the imagination can soar instead of being chained to a laptop.

Look at the photo. You can see not just two different topographies but two different worlds. The background is Old Testament, bare, rocky and waterless. But in the middle that’s a cross (isn’t it?) just in time for Easter. And next to it, the beginnings of two more. Perhaps for the two thieves said to have been crucified at the same time.

It is only when you get closer that you see all three are utility poles. Well, you knew that all the time, of course. But didn’t the whimsy raise to a level not quite of this world what was just a walk so close to one of the biggest cities on earth that at the overlook you could hear the hum of the morning commute?

Boring? Oh, no.

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