
Commentary: Commentary: Blue sky above, cloudy down here

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Morning already and however strong your resolve was the night before to bound out of bed at first light and pull on your hiking books, the grayness covering everything brings what economists call “a severe disincentive.”

There’s always been June Gloom, then it spread to May Gray. Surely we’re not going to wind up with “April’s come and here’s the gist, everything’s covered in a cold, dank mist.”

I’ll concede that the rhyming is crude but, yes, until the clouds burn off hours later, that’s what 20 million people are facing.

Except for a few dozen who, less than 5 miles from the 210 Freeway are under a cloudless sky, the fairer-skinned of them checking to see if they brought the sun block and glad they chose a hike that has a portion of it in the shade — not easy to do in mountains where practically all the vegetation is scrub. Yes, it’s come to that already when only a week or so ago you wish you’d brought gloves.

The photo, looking directly along the Arroyo Seco, is where the two weather patterns meet.

Reg Green lives in La Cañada. His latest book is “90 And Not Dead Yet.”

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