
Letters to the Editor: Youngster suggests alternatives to playing video games and watching TV

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We children play too many video games. We spend too much time on iPhones, iPads and watching TV. We should spend much more time reading books and studying for school so we could get better grades and work our way up to getting a great job.

Kids that play lots of video games might also become lazy and not work as hard as children that don’t play video games. Another way to avoid being lazy is playing outside and getting lots of exercise.

Kids also spend a lot of money on video games. You should save your money and only spend it on things that you need such as a home, food and water. You also don’t really get anything from spending money on video games because you just stop playing the game and you lose all the money you spend on it. You can’t ever get any of it back.

So when you are bored, instead of playing a video game or watching TV you should just read a book or play a fun game of tag outside with your friends.

John M. Kassabian

La Cañada Flintridge
