
Letters to the Editor: Mailbag: Drumming up some excitement for LCHS event

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On Thursday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m., the La Cañada High School 7/8 Winter Drumline, 9-12 Winter Drumline and Winter Guard will perform their shows in the school’s South Gym.

The 9-12 Winter Drumline’s show is themed “The Other Side of Fear.” They will be competing on Friday in the Southern California Percussion Alliance (SCPA) Championship prelims at the Coussoulis Arena at Cal State San Bernardino.

The Winter Guard’s show is “Our Secret Speakeasy … Keeping the Tradition a Secret.” They will be competing over spring break at the Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.

Admission to Thursday night’s event is free. Please invite everyone you know! This is our only “home” performance and these students have really worked hard to put these shows together. Many folks have no idea what a Winter Guard or Winter Drumline show is. This is your opportunity to find out!

Hope to see you there!

Michele Wilcox

La Cañada Flintridge

The writer is vice president, communications, for the LCHS Music Parents Assn.


Re: “Sagebrush transfer decision postponed until May,” Valley Sun, March 7: Glendale Unified School District officials improperly skew public information when they claim the territory transfer would result in a $2.7-million shortfall.

First, they are not using current enrollment numbers. Keep in mind, more Sagebrush students now attend La Cañada Unified schools then GUSD’s three local schools, while enrollment at those schools has remained stable, with no disruption to any programs.

Second, GUSD does not account for the expenses no longer required to educate students no longer there, even though the State Education code requires them to do so in any budgeting process. Once those factors are put into the equation, GUSD’s estimated net loss in the first year after the transfer is finalized would be closer to $200,000.

Nalini Lasiewicz

La Cañada Flintridge

The writer is a resident of the Sagebrush area of La Cañada Flintridge and one of the chief petitioners to transfer the territory out of GUSD and into LCUSD.
