
Grooming basics for every age

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A daily grooming routine is about cleanliness, organization, discipline and a positive presence. Cleanliness and basic grooming is about consideration and respect for yourself and for others.

Thirty minutes to start the day is really all that is needed to look and feel better, which can translate into more positive relationships. There are certain steps that are involved in good hygiene and being well-groomed. Starting at a young age, these basics can be taught and used throughout a lifetime. There are some adults than benefit from this information, too.

Everyone’s personal routine varies, but these are the daily essentials. These grooming responsibilities include: good posture, a balanced diet, exercise, bathing, brushing teeth, antiperspirant/ deodorants, fragrances, shampooing/conditioning hair, body lotion, fingernail/foot care, shaving face/legs/ underarms, makeup application, clean clothes and polished shoes. Weekly or biweekly routines can include manicures, pedicures and facials. About every six to eight weeks a haircut is needed.

Yearly physicals and visits to the dentist or eye doctor are proactive health actions. Your body is a gift, and it is important to take care of it.

Good posture suggests strength, helps clothes fit better and exudes confidence. Because school and work involve much sitting, some form of daily exercise is essential for a healthy life, unless sports are included in the school day. Walking for 30 minutes is invigorating and healthy. A balanced diet of protein, fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates creates a healthy body and beautiful skin.

Use mouthwash upon awakening. Brush teeth after breakfast and after dinner. Use dental floss regularly. Daily showers or baths will give you extra energy and a few minutes to mentally prepare and plan your day. If there is time in the evening, a bubble bath will give you time to relax and unwind after a busy day. Use bath oil in the water, if you have dry skin. Lather on body lotion when your skin is damp. During this time, push back the cuticles on your nails.

Deodorants protect against odor. Antiperspirants minimize the sweating process, which regulates the body temperature.Many of these are combinations and come in solids, lotions, sprays, or creams. Use your favorite scent.

Makeup for teens is lighter and more natural-looking. It is important to maintain cleanliness of cosmetic brushes and applicators by washing them once a week in shampoo. Makeup needs to be keyed to the eyes, skin and hair color of each individual.

If you need to remind yourself about your grooming/ hygiene routines, you may consider making a checklist. The first three minutes someone meets you, they decide if they want to know you better. Make sure they do.
