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Mother of slain boy grateful for concern

Thank you for your reporting on the July 2000 murders of my son, Christopher McCulloch, and Blaine Talmo, and for bringing this once again to everyone’s attention (“July marks the 10th anniversary of brutal murders,” July 29.)

Although the evidence was lacking in proving anyone else was involved, it has always been hard for me to accept that one boy, only a year older and very much the same height and weight of my son Christopher, could have carried out the murders of the two boys on his own.

To realize that there are others out there who were involved and are walking about free, maybe even passing me or my son in the street, is very difficult to accept, so I thank you for your reports on the incident.

The community, and their outpouring of concern and sympathy at the time of the murders and in the years since, has been a part of my survival. I hope other people are aware of this side of our community.

Aileen Bristow

