
Piece of Mind: Readers write, we read

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The hand-written letter delivered to our office had been crafted carefully and its message was both humorous and charming. Journey’s End Drive resident George Kritzman, the author of the piece, wrote a side-note to us, asking us to let him know if we would not be publishing it.

Kritzman hasn’t heard back from us. There was no way I would turn down the opportunity to print in this Thanksgiving Day issue such a plea from a loving grandfather to his granddaughter to please contact him.

And so, in our Forum section this week, please take a few moments to enjoy the letter under the heading “Grandpa uses Valley Sun to connect” and the accompanying scan of artwork the author used to illustrate his piece.

A few weeks back I wrote here that I’d be ecstatic if we’d receive more letters to the editor. Well, my wish came true in a big way this week. In addition to the Kritzman letter, we have a host of thoughtfully-written missives on a variety of topics, everything from peacocks to politics. There’s even a touching tribute to a beloved pet dog that died.

I think you’ll find each letter to be an interesting read that gives you a glimpse into its writer’s personality. The forum pages offer what I love most about “hyper-local” community newspapering, a place for everyone to voice their opinion. Take advantage of them.

All we ask is that you sign your name honestly.

It’s a little dispiriting, but true: One correspondent, using a masculine name to “sign” his letters, has recently e-mailed us a couple using a false name and apparently nonexistent La Cañada address. They have been published elsewhere, but not here. On the off-chance Mr. Anonymous reads this column, I’d like to remind him again (as I have done in reply to his e-mails) that we make every effort not to run submittals over fake identifications. It is not fair to our readers and it is, in my mind, a cowardly act to hide behind such a mask. Own your thoughts. They are every bit as valid as the next writer’s.

I didn’t intend to turn into a Miss Cranky Pants today. I just got worked up when I remembered that someone had tried to slip something over on us this week. Really, I am very appreciative of the ongoing partnership we have with our readership week in and week out. You are the ones who make this community what it is; we have the distinct honor—and duty—of holding up the mirror to reflect your lives.

From all of us at The Valley Sun to you and yours, have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. We’ll meet up with you again next Thursday, when the holidays get underway in earnest with the annual Festival in Lights and the naming of the 2011 Miss La Cañada Flintridge court taking place in Memorial Park. Good times are ahead!

CAROL CORMACI is managing editor. E-mail her at
