
Our Readers Write: Insiders’ look at LC schools

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There has been some talk around town regarding the allocation of education funds between the elementary schools and the high school. From the vantage point of a parent of a first grader, it may seem that funds are being wasted at the high school. As the parents of a LCHS graduate, we would like to share some truths about La Cañada and its schools that we discovered on our journey.

The community makes the schools excellent. The state money has not been adequate for years.

The high-school music, drama, art, band and athletic programs are all supported by parent organizations: LCHS Music Parents, Friends of Drama, LCHS Choral Parents Assoc. and Boosters. The district provides teachers (no other funds) to these programs for two reasons: high-school students need extracurricular activities for their development as well-rounded individuals and because colleges expect well-rounded quality applicants. Parents and this community have made these programs what they are. You will be most grateful for this when your child reaches high school.

The Educational Foundation supports the library, college counselors, teachers and computers. PTA and PTSA pay for all library books, subscriptions, software and other tech items. They even pay for supplies. You name it, parents pay for it.

In these areas and more, individuals and the community step up in whatever way they can. Some give money, some give time and money, some give time and effort as classroom, library and organization volunteers. Some even accept low-paying district jobs, rather than better-paying jobs elsewhere, because they believe quality education is vital.

You are standing on the shoulders of the community members who have gone before you and created these schools. If you are new to the district, it is now your turn to step up in the best way you can.

For more information on school finances in La Cañada, we refer you to the La Cañada Unified Newsline: Message from the Superintendent, the June 2010 and November 2010 issues available at under District Newsletter.

Best wishes and good luck,

Roger and Ann Omae

La Cañada Flintridge

Two birds, one stone

Why not substitute peafowl for turkeys? They’re interchangeable in Washington and Sacramento.

James Short

La Cañada Flintridge
