
Support for Davitt, Olhasso, Kamar

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Support for Davitt

We have lived in La Cañada Flintridge for 44 years and agree with our friends that, since cityhood, our past City Council members have done a good job. We are grateful for all who have served us.

When elected to our City Council, Mike Davitt will bring his extensive and unique experience to create a better and more responsive city government.

During his eight years as a Commissioner, he has contributed more than 2,000 hours to serving our community dealing with the public on important city issues. He works well with others to come to a responsible decision. Mike’s experience as Director of Real Estate for one of the largest real estate holdings in California has offered him the unique opportunity to work with many other cities. He has seen firsthand that La Cañada Flintridge does many things well. He has also seen firsthand what some other cities do better than we do.

Mike has a specific plan, which will enhance communication between our City Hall and our citizens, provide a more user-friendly City Hall and provide direct access from City Hall to all of us on important issues.

We also appreciate that Mike is proactive, fair, intelligent and ethical.

Please join us and vote for Mike Davitt

Chuck and Becky Gelhaar

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Davitt

I was so happy to see Mike Davitt enter the race for the City Council. We have known Mike and his family for over 15 years. My son and Mike’s son started out in Y-Guides at the CCYMCA. Currently, I serve in National Charity League with Alison and their daughter, Abby. It has been a pleasure to get to know Mike and his family over the years; he is truly representative of the best in our community.

Mike’s personality and demeanor will be a great asset in communicating with us as residents of our city. He does not to stand on the sideline only providing criticism. Besides being very involved with many aspects of community service, Mike is the type of individual who takes on leadership roles to better an organization. I have a great deal of respect for his leadership abilities and problem-solving skills.

As our schools and our city face challenging issues ahead, we need strong leaders to guide our community. Mike is a person with proven experience and knowledge of our city and will bring a fresh new energy to the Council.

I hope that you join my husband Lance and me in supporting Mike in this election. He is what our city needs.

Julie Markowitz

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Kamar

Our City Council is dominated by ex-planning commissioners. Our city would benefit a lot more from a person on the council who has been a successful business owner/operator on the boulevard rather than another planning commissioner; Charlie Kamar is that one.

Neal Peterson

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Olhasso

We are proud to support Laura Olhasso in her re-election campaign for City Council. We believe Laura has done a great job on the City Council and admire her dedication and service to La Cañada.

During Laura’s time on the Council, we have seen significant improvements in public safety, in the revitalization of the downtown area and in our trail system. Also of importance, the city has been carefully managed from a fiscal standpoint during tough economic times.

Laura has shown both leadership and compassion and was a great voice for our city in facing various calamities during her last term as mayor. Laura is well equipped to continue to meet the challenges facing our city. In tough times, it is important that we elect someone who has proven herself to be capable time and time again.

We will be voting for Laura Olhasso on March 8 and urge you to do so too.

Kathy and Bruce Seuylemezian

La Cañada Flintridge

City Council needs new voices

Thank goodness we live in a country where anyone can run for office.

Now, let’s talk about Tuesday’s City Council candidates. Only three have garnered extensive public records, minutes and recordings of public meetings and press coverage. Mike Davitt (8 years), Laura Olhasso (20 years) and Don Voss (10 years). You can see more than 180 Planning Commission meetings where Davitt contributed as a member or chair. Olhasso’s record search will show more than 450 meetings as mayor, councilman or commissioner. Voss has served in more than 200 meetings as mayor, councilperson or city treasurer.

Three of the other candidates did not serve on a commission — and it’s not like there were no seats available. The City Council has had to extend application deadlines because no one applied. Yet still no commission service for these candidates. The fourth candidate did sit on a commission but was not asked to return for a second term.

Strangely, all four of these other candidates are now asking for your vote — in essence, giving them the highest city government offices even though they have no records (three of them) or records not earning a second term.

History shows what happens when well-meaning yet inexperienced people get elected to City Council. In the late 1990s, we elected two people who lacked commission experience. Their inexperience and divisive natures were counterproductive at council meetings, making some run past midnight. Issues became more painful to solve.

Now I’m sure that the guy who sells you gas is super nice, that the flying nurse does a lot of good for people and that the rocket scientist has a great knack for inventing things. But don’t we deserve to have a trial run before we let them steer our city through these turbulent times? I encourage all of these well-meaning fellow residents to serve as city commissioners. It would give them a chance to try out government service and, most importantly, let us see what they say and do and how they vote.

Please vote next Tuesday and consider the importance of experience. It matters.

Keith Tobias

La Cañada Flintridge

The writer is a member of the La Cañada Flintridge Design Commission

Support for Olhasso

We encourage you to vote for Laura Olhasso for City Council. Laura has the most experience of all candidates. Prior to serving two terms on City Council, she served eight years on the Planning Commission and four years on the Public Works Commission. She was mayor in 2005 and in 2010.

Under her leadership, we banned trucks on Angeles Crest Highway, began the revitalization of downtown and installed sewers throughout a large part of the city. We preserved public safety, added new parks and expanded the trail system, all while maintaining a balanced budget and healthy reserve. As mayor, Laura led our city through great challenges posed by the Station fire, mudslides and tragic deaths caused by a runaway truck.

Laura has an outstanding record of community volunteerism. A resident for 29 years, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the YMCA, the Community Center, the Lanterman Museum Foundation, and Assistance League. In 2007 Laura received the Les Tupper Award for outstanding community service and, in 2010, was selected La Cañadan of the Year.

Building on her hard work and accomplishments thus far, there are still things Laura wants to improve in our city and she has the experience and know-how to get things done. We have lived, worked and operated a business in La Canada for over 30 years. We have witnessed Laura’s well thought out and researched decision-making process. She is thorough, considers all aspects of a given situation and is passionate and great for our community. We are fortunate to have a great field of candidates, but none have Laura’s proven track record. We encourage you to vote and to vote for Laura as your No 1 candidate of choice. She is simply the best.

Terry and Woody Walker

La Cañada Flintridge

Terry Walker is chairman of the La Cañada Flintridge Public Works Commission

Support for Kamar

I am writing this letter on behalf of Charlie Kamar, who is running for the City Council. Charlie has not asked me to write this letter. In fact, he doesn’t even know I’m writing it, and I am glad to do it.

I think you should vote for Charlie for the following reasons:

He is a local businessman, owner of the 76 Station at the corner of Foothill and Alta Canyada, and he is at his business on a regular basis interacting with and listening to his customers. Community members would have direct access to a member of the City Council to voice their concerns.

Being a businessperson, he has to meet a payroll and deal with all the things a small business owner has to deal with. As a city resident and local business owner, he is uniquely positioned to understand the needs and concerns of the citizens while also understanding the needs and concerns of La Cañada businesses.

Additionally, Charlie has a child in a La Cañada public school, which makes him particularly attuned to the needs of parents, teachers and students and the school system in general.

But the most important reason for me is because of the kindness he has extended to me. I needed a new radiator for my old car. Charlie’s mechanic, Angel, immediately repaired my car. I have been severely impacted by the economic downturn, so Charlie has allowed me to pay on time. I have almost paid off my bill, but I still owe a little and Charlie has not hounded me with bills and calls.

Charlie’s common sense and sense of fairness would serve us well in city government.

Michelle Byrne

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Kamar

As a fourth-grade teacher in the La Cañada Unified School District for the past 11 years, I have been privileged to teach beside remarkable colleagues with varying levels of classroom experience. Each time an enthusiastic, new teacher joins our staff, I am inspired by their energy and encouraged to redefine my curriculum goals and revisit teaching techniques. I believe this makes me a better educator, thereby meeting the needs of my students in the most comprehensive way possible. Charlie Kamar, with his unique insight, would be that vital catalyst for our City Council.

I greatly appreciate all of the years that each council member has given to our city, but there seems to be a perception by some of the incumbent supporters that it is imperative for City Council members to have lots of city government experience in order to be effective representatives. At some point, every current council member experienced a first term. We voted for them because they were the best candidates for the job, not because they were the most experienced.

Further, there are still two council members who are not up for re-election this cycle with almost 30 years of City Council leadership between them. Dave Spence has faithfully represented La Cañada since 1992, serving four terms as mayor, and Steve Del Guercio is currently in his third term and has held the title of mayor twice already. La Cañada is ready for a new face at City Hall.

Previous letters have extolled the many reasons that Charlie would serve our city well. His accessibility and “customer first” attitude would provide an improved link between the residents and the Council that does not currently exist. His life experiences provide him with an unparalleled appreciation and passion for life in La Cañada: the community, businesses and schools.

If we elect the “experienced” slate of candidates, it will result in a homogenous council who are very supportive of each other. I know that each one of these individuals would serve our city responsibly, but we each have three votes on March 8. Why not choose a candidate offering a fresh approach to city government and one who will be supportive of you? Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I hope you will consider a vote for Charlie Kamar.

Laurie Hopkins

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Olhasso

My husband Brent and I moved to La Cañada almost nine years ago for the schools, the community and the beautiful foothills. We had the pleasure of meeting Laura and Bill Olhasso through our mutual involvement with the local YMCA — and soon came to learn that we were living in “their” house (they had owned it two owners before us.) It was the home in which they had raised their two small children for many years before outgrowing it (which we are on the verge of doing as well).

The reason that I believe this story holds meaning for the current City Council election is this: Laura blazed the trail so many of us young mothers are on today — she raised her children here, she juggled a career while raising a family, she was involved in the schools (PTA and founding member of the Educational Foundation’s Endowment), and she cared enough about this beautiful community to roll up her sleeves and dedicate her time, energy and know-how to our city’s governance as well as many other volunteer endeavors.

As a parent and as a citizen of La Cañada, I am comforted by Laura’s understanding of the issues that affect children and families.

My husband and I always say that our house has good “karma” — a positive energy of those (including the Olhassos) who lived here before us and raised their families. To other young families in this community who may not have the pleasure of knowing Laura I say this: She has brought all of that “goodness” and experience to bear on our city and for the benefit of our children. Please cast your vote for her next week!

Deborah Weirick

La Cañada Flintridge

Support for Kamar

I write this letter in strong support of Charlie Kamar for City Council.

In La Cañada we are blessed with great public officials. As a lawyer, I have appeared before Mayor Voss, Councilperson Olhasso and Planning Commissioner Davitt. I have been impressed with their integrity, judgment and sincerity in trying to do what is best for our city. I have been a customer of Charlie’s for many years. He has helped me, my wife and our two sons on innumerable occasions at the 76 station. I know that I am not alone in having stories about how Charlie has gone out of his way to help people because of the type of man he is.

His loyalty to our country and to our city is unparalleled. He has given so much to our schools through the Educational Foundation and through donations from gasoline sales at his station, and I know that helping our schools at this time is very important to him. I know he will fight vigorously against the 710 Freeway expansion. He has helped so many people without fanfare.

I know that we have many qualified people running for City Council, but I believe that the same loyalty Charlie has shown to his customers over the years he will show to our city if he is elected. I know that no one will work harder or strive harder to do the right thing for our city than Charlie.

Frank Gooch III

La Cañada Flintridge
