
Battle uncontrolled spending; attend City Council meeting Thursday

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Don’t miss it! At 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 14, the La Canada Flintridge City Council will meet in chambers to review the city’s financial condition, look at five-year projections, and make midyear adjustments to the budget.

Will dubious projections justify uncontrolled spending or will necessary spending cuts be made? The show has come to LCF. Stand with our city council in the battle against budget bulge! Otherwise our city will continue spending money it doesn’t have on things we don’t need or want.

Last week’s “SR710 Conversations” showed what we are up against: local sales tax revenues going to a regional transportation authority, Metro, and a state highway agency, Caltrans, to build a section of federal highway that nobody wants except union leaders. Local tax revenues are drying up.

Inflation is skyrocketing as evidenced by the growth of so many city budget lines, lines already overspent without council approval. County, state and federal are passing expenses on down to the local level. Reserves have been depleted dealing with physical and economic disasters. Our city is vulnerable. Will LCF go the way of LCUSD, ignoring the signs until it finds itself in a deep financial hole?

Maybe a few voices can’t make much difference in the federal and state budget battles. A few voices can make huge difference at the local level. We can win this battle against uncontrolled spending if you will just come and let your voice be heard!

James Stoker

La Canada Flintridge
