
Volunteer trail work pays off

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On behalf of the trail users and the LCF Trails Council, we would like to thank the many volunteers who chose to work so hard fixing the trails on Saturday as part of the 9.10.11 give-back-to-the-community event.

Boy Scout Troop 501, along with a number of adult volunteers, restored the section of the Gould Canyon Trail below Green Lane. Now that Los Angeles County has cleared the section above Green to Harter Lane, the entire Gould Canyon Trail is open and beautiful, thanks to the uphill efforts of these devoted community volunteers.

Who would have thought that Brownies and Cub Scouts could repair a trail, clean out a stream, and then ask for more work? The Paradise Canyon Elementary School Cub Scouts and a group of very energetic Brownies did just that on the Flint Canyon Trail near Berkshire Avenue. With rakes, shovels and buckets, they raised the trail level to help prevent the winter rains from washing out this trail section and returned the stream to a beautiful flowing creek.

It is wonderful to see these young and enthusiastic children volunteering in the community. LCF is a great place because of its great people.

We would also like to thank the many, often unknown, residents who pick up trash, remove branches and keep watch over the trails. Thank you for constant efforts, they are most appreciated.

This is a great time to get out and discover the trails. Maps are available at The Flintridge Bookstore, Sport Chalet and City Hall. We encourage all residents to put aside some time to enjoy the great outdoors, right in your own backyard. Happy trails!

Randy Strapazon

9.10.11 Committee

Debbi Tinkham

LCF Trails Council President
