
Finding a common thread

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Almost every night for the past two weeks, my son has had something special to share with us about a particular teacher. Sometimes it concerns an assignment or activity, other times it’s one small thing the teacher says. Each time my son shares his story, I realize that he is being inspired by this teacher.

We’re very lucky to have this teacher, but we haven’t always been so lucky. The quality of education we offer to our children should not be a game of luck.

About six months ago, I met Andrew Blumenfeld via email. While studying at Princeton, he made time to discuss my friend’s teacher issue. Though I was a stranger, he made time to answer my questions. He returned thoughtful and informative emails within hours, each and every time.

As he began his school board campaign, I met him in person while he was at a local restaurant sharing his plans for the schools. About 12 parents were there, curious about Andrew’s positions, and each had stories about past frustrations. When two parents began a contentious discussion about one teacher, Andrew brought calm and rationality to the divisive group. He saw through the individual complaints toward a common thread. All the parents demanded excellent teachers for their children. And none was willing to settle for the luck of the draw.

Andrew has an ability to hear people’s views. He understands the detailed workings of the school board, both the power and limitations. He knows the impact of board leadership on issues important to the community and can work with the other members of the board to cast these important votes. He wants to work with parents and students; he sees us as the customer of the schools.

The most important point is that Andrew has a unique ability to bring people together. His people skills, knowledge base and energy make Andrew the best-qualified candidate. I encourage you to visit to learn more, and to join me in voting for Andrew.

Belinda Randolph

La Cañada Flintridge

The writer is treasurer of the Blumenfeld campaign.
