
A victory for common sense

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The California Dream Act was a major victory for common sense and compassion. In my opinion, it is unfair that a student with roots and residency in California would be penalized with out-of-state tuition fees. College students should not be punished for decisions made by their parents.

Over the past decade, an increasingly mean-spirited political atmosphere has blocked any major bipartisan federal reform, even though work programs and other solutions have been offered. The long term solution will not be found in demonizing or persecuting our local youth. Nor should we seek to raise unfair barriers to a college education for any children living in our region. These kids are a part of our state and our future.

I congratulate Assemblyman Portantino for his support of AB 131. Whoever we elect as our next congressional representative, I hope he, or she, will champion similar legislation on a federal level —where it truly belongs.

Nalini Lasiewicz

La Cañada Flintridge
