
Multari Good Choice for School Board

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Ellen Multari will make a great addition to our School Board.

I have known Ellen Multari almost since she moved into our community – first as parents of students attending Palm Crest Elementary, then as Directors on the LCF Educational Foundation, and then as members of the same book club. (If you really want to get to know someone, join the same book club!)

Ellen is smart, kind, has a terrific sense of humor, and really cares about the quality of the education this school district provides our children. She has devoted countless hours already to the betterment of our schools through her involvement with various PTAs, Site Councils, the Educational Foundation, Bond Oversight Committee, Curriculum Council, and last year’s Task Force.

Through this involvement, she has gained an excellent grasp of the problems facing our schools, and she has good and practical ideas for addressing those problems. She is an effective communicator, has very strong interpersonal skills, and would foster an environment of collaboration and compromise.

All skills that will be necessary as she works for improved communication between the Board and community and greater teacher and Board accountability for student performance. We’ll miss her good work on behalf of the Educational Foundation, but I can’t imagine another place where I’d rather see Ellen donating her time and energy.

Elizabeth Brown
La Cañada Flintridge
