
A candidate who doesn’t want donations

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I got to know Ernest Koeppen during the last school board election, in ’09. We’ve stayed in touch since then. We both gained a mutual respect for each other as we had similar thoughts and concerns regarding our school district.

He stayed in the loop after the last election and continues to evaluate the school district and think things through. Since the last election, he dove headlong into supporting the high school’s engineering club and that club has since generated some impressive statistics. It’s not a one-man thing of course, but he puts a lot of emphasis on giving whatever it takes to kids willing to learn. I like that.

He runs his campaign tightly, with a noble approach: He doesn’t want any donations. He wants to prove he is fiscally responsible, so he says there is no point in donating money so he can buy election paraphernalia that gets tossed out later. If you want to donate, give it to the school. Cool idea and very committed. I like that too.

I learned he has a pretty extensive financial and business background and an equally extensive technology background. The school district could use a dedicated person with both of these talents.

He is a longtime resident and good neighbor and I applaud his running again. I urge you to vote with me in getting Ernest Koeppen, a good man, on the board for our school district.

Neal S. Millard

La Cañada Flintridge
