
Boyd’s letter unwarranted

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LCUSD Governing Board President Susan Boyd’s attack on former governing board member Ron Dietel in the October issue of the LCUSD newsletter (“The Newsboard”) is unwarranted and unnecessary. Regardless of one’s point of view, referring to Dietel as an ex-board member and not even using his name does not reflect the high values of our schools nor our school district. Cutting four student days in the school year and setting the stage for a new parcel tax is certainly a topic about which the board and district should expect questions and criticism.

As an LCHS parent, I appreciate Dietel’s bringing to public attention that more than 700 senior households have exempted themselves from our existing parcel tax. I also was concerned that LCHS just this past week encouraged parents to buy tickets to Disneyland during the pupil-free days as a school fundraiser. I would much prefer that my child was in school on these four days or engaged in other learning opportunities than at Disneyland.

I can well attest to Dietel’s honesty and character. For Boyd to accuse him of telling half-truths reflects negatively on Boyd as board president, the entire board, district, and unfortunately even our schools that she represents.

Richard Asher

La Cañada
