
Pair makes winning combination

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My personal involvement with the La Cañada schools include being a student, a teacher, a parent, a volunteer, a PTA officer, serving on Governing Board advisory committees, and now as a grandparent of a new kindergartner. It has been my pleasure over the years to work with and observe many members of the Governing Board.

There is so much more to being a school board member than simply responding to calls and emails and attending meetings twice a month. The most effective members are immersed in the school community and are seen at open houses, back-to-school nights, family picnics, read-ins, special school events, sporting events, etc. They know which community groups support our educational programs, what the other local school districts are doing, what the state requirements are, what the next budget looks like. They keep up with the newest state and federal mandates and can recognize what impact they may have on our district.

Being an effective school board member is a 24/7 job, and we deserve the best. I believe that Jeanne Broberg and Ellen Multari have the time and the talent to surpass our requirements — one very experienced, and one with fresh eyes, ears and voice. It’s a winning combination.

Molly Brockmeyer

La Cañada Flintridge
