
A new and different 7-Eleven

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Having been a resident of “Old Town” La Cañada for many years, I’ve seen numerous changes in the immediate area — some good, some not so good.

These changes, among others, are probably signs of progress, but now we are threatened by another sign next to the Armstrong Garden Center. That sign is going to read “7-Eleven.”

I’d like to think it’s only a bad dream, but the work has already begun with nary a warning to the local residents, only some understated references to “interest” in such a project.

Why were we residents not given a chance to verbalize our disapproval or approval? I’m quite certain that the “nays” would have been loud and clear, even if they didn’t carry the day. At least they’d have been heard.

I’m told that this is to be a “new and different” 7-Eleven. Really? Is it going to be a citadel impervious to the armed robberies reputedly so prevalent in other locations operating under the same name?

Is there a guarantee that the graffiti so often present in those other areas will not appear here?

How about the disruptive gatherings of noisy youth that are reported in the papers? Old Town doesn’t need that kind of progress, thank you.

I’d be happy to have my very serious doubts put to rest in the coming months but, unfortunately, I have little hope of same.

M. Cates

La Cañada Flintridge
